Category: Young Impact

The Culture of Innovation Among the Youth

3 minutes read article

The culture of innovation is the work environment that leaders cultivate in order to nurture unorthodox thinking and its application.
GEN-Z - A Real and Value Generation

3 minutes read article

Gen -Zers make decisions and relate to institutions in a highly analytical and pragmatic way. That is why Gen Z is “A Real and Value Generation.”.
Word Youth Skills Day: Digital Skills the Youth Can Tap Into

2 minutes read article

The world youth skills day aims to empower the young population and raise awareness on why young ones must be well equipped for the future.

3 minutes read article

Direct peer pressure is getting instructions from another person to do something and puts an individual in a position of making an on-the-spot decision
The International Day of the African Child

2 minutes read article

The international Day of the African Child is a day to remember the African children, advocate for their rights and give the best to them.
How the Nigerian Youth Are Creating Self-Employment Opportunities

3 minutes read article

Unemployment affects individual’s mental health and can result to mental health conditions such as depression
The Justice and Freedom Party of Kenya Unveils Reuben Kigame as Deputy Party Leader

The Justice and Freedom Party of Kenya Unveils Reuben Kigame as Deputy Party Leader

Justice and Freedom Party (JFP) addressing the media The Justice and Freedom Party of Kenya…
Saving Mau Forest: Reclaiming the Green Giant for Future Generations

Saving Mau Forest: Reclaiming the Green Giant for Future Generations

By Catherine Muindi Mau Forest, Kenya’s largest indigenous forest and a crucial water catchment, is…
How Gaming is Changing Lives and Empowering Kenya’s Youth

How Gaming is Changing Lives and Empowering Kenya’s Youth

In a groundbreaking move that blends entertainment, technology, and youth empowerment, Safaricom’s Wai Ndai Challenge has transformed…

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