Word Youth Skills Day: Digital Skills the Youth Can Tap Into

The youth are essential in any given economy for in youth lies the seed of preservation. A close examination of the youth involved in a firm or group can determine the future of that firm. This is why the growth and development of the youth should not be taken lightly.

In December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 15th July as World Youth Skills Day. The goal is to achieve better socio-economic conditions for today’s youth by equipping them with skills to address the challenges of underemployment and unemployment.

The world youth skills day is celebrated to recognize the importance and benefits of ensuring youth are equipped with skills that will launch them into entrepreneurship or enable them to get well-paying jobs.

The world youth skills day aims to empower the young population and raise awareness on why young ones must be well equipped for the future. When the youth are equipped with skills, crime rates in communities are bound to reduce. Eventually, the youth become more involved in the growth of the social economy.

Here are some skills young people can learn and earn to build a sustainable future.

Social Media Marketing

This is internet marketing that involves creating and sharing content on social media to achieve business visibility, improve sales of the organization and reach marketing goals. Social media marketing includes WhatsApp marketing, email marketing and others.

Affiliate marketing

A lot of youths are venturing into affiliate marketing. Affiliate Marketing is a business where you promote a company’s products and get paid a commission when you make a sale.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This can be described as using unpaid (organic) search engine results to improve and increase the quality and quantity of traffic to a website.

Content creation and Copywriting

Content creation is identifying an idea that appeals to an audience and generating information that will appeal to consumers and buyers, while copywriting is writing content that is focused on advertising and marketing a product.

Networking marketing

Network marketing is the marketing model that deals with people. It has a person-to-person business model. The strength of network marketing is in having a great network and connections.

The importance of equipping youths with skills cannot be overemphasized. It allows young people to be recognized for gainful employment and ensure that the youth can fight unemployment in their environment by becoming entrepreneurs.

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