Peer Influence – Are you safe?

3 minutes read

By Zerah Pataliah Atieno

Peer influence, commonly termed peer pressure, is the influence of people on others, typically peers or social groups. 

It comes in when one does something they wouldn’t have usually done but choose to do it, perhaps to fit in and feel accepted or valued by the people around them. 

Many people assume that peer pressure only impacts negatively on individuals and society. The hidden truth, however, is that it can be of both positive and negative impact based on how it is conveyed. 

There are different forms of peer pressure which may include;

Direct and indirect peer pressure 

Direct peer pressure is getting instructions from another person to do something and puts an individual in a position of making an on-the-spot decision. An example is when one is given a bottle of alcohol by a friend who was drinking. They are put in a state of making a decision as fast as they can to either say no or bow to the pressure of consuming the drink. 

On the other hand, an example of indirect peer pressure is when one doesn’t want to attend a birthday party because they don’t feel in tune, but their friends arm twists them by telling them what they will miss if they don’t tag along. In this case, they will attend the party because they don’t want to be left out. 

Spoken and unspoken peer pressure                                                           

Spoken peer pressure happens when one is verbally asked by another to do something they would otherwise not do. If it’s in a group setting, the pressure on the individual will be more. Let’s say, for instance, the individual is asked to attend a church event by the others. They will have no other choice other than to say yes.  

On the other hand, unspoken peer pressure is when an individual is exposed to certain behaviours of other people and feels pressured to comply. An example, in a group of friends where they dress in a certain way, one in the group who dresses differently will feel pressured to be like the others to maintain the friendship. 

Positive and negative peer pressure 

Positive peer pressure can be direct, indirect, spoken or unspoken. 

This pressure challenges an individual to level up in whatever aspect. Individuals tend to engage in what they weren’t involved in, activating a positive impact on their lives. Negative peer pressure impacts negatively on an individual and society at large. It can also be spoken, unspoken, direct or indirect. 

Dealing with peer pressure               

Obviously, this has to be negative peer pressure because it is the one that has impacts that are not impressive. The first step in dealing with peer pressure is identifying what you want and how you feel about the subject situation. Paying attention to your emotions can save you from anxiety. 

The second thing is setting boundaries with the people around you. Setting limits makes the people around you respect your boundaries. This reduces the pressure making your environment comfortable. 

Having friends with similar interests and values as yours is another step in the right direction, for it is easier to say no if someone else is saying no. In this case, you won’t feel uncomfortable, for you won’t be alone. You won’t have to give an excuse for saying no, for pressure and persuasion will reduce.

Are you a victim of negative peer influence? Don’t beat yourself so hard. You can come out of it and become a great person in society. Find working strategies to overcome it.

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