Mical Imbukwa

Mical Imbukwa

Mical Imbukwa is a Media and Communication Professional (Writing, Video and Audio production). She is a proponent of positive change and is an alumnus of Young Africa Leadership Initiative Regional Leadership Centre East Africa (YALIRLCEA), with a wide network. She holds dear the motto: Nothing is impossible.

Lessons Africa can learn from the fall of Kabul

Image represents the text

The takeaway from the outcome of the exit of the coalition forces is that Afghanistan did not work its people to a level of freedom, so they remain bound. The work is in the mental attitude. If a people abdicate their chances at peace and progress, as did the Afghans, such people are at the whimsical will of the aid bearer. Success lies in the hands of the one who DESIRES that end and pays the price.

KEPSA Clean-Up Exercise In Mombasa to Skyrocket Waste Separation

Area Chief Mr. Tsuma Kombo Mangale taking part in the clean up

To improve the management of waste, the project will support the county government in developing a model that integrates the community, the public sector as well as the private sector in bringing in innovations that reduce the risk of water borne diseases during rainy seasons; and the disposal of plastics that eventually leak into the ocean.

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