You Can Have Everything You Want with Applied Faith

Applied faith creates substantial confidence that makes you implement everything you decide to do without hesitation. It is because you need reason and power to stay of the task that makes faith so crucial in the achievement of major goals that it is indispensable to success.

By Sylvester Oluoch

There is a phenomenon – a state of mind – that moves individuals from working with situations to creating circumstances. It gives you the confidence to act because it assures you that you have within you the capability to accomplish whatever it is that you are setting out to do. This applied faith is the power that urges you on because you finish the outcome mentally before you get started.

This state of mind, when active enough to impel action, is referred to as belief. It is applied faith, which is faith in action. Nothing is ever started without faith, and nothing will be accomplished without discipline. Applied faith is the power to do – the substance of the workings of the mind. Faith is what empowers as to create what initially forms as thought.

Faith is what sustains action and creates persistence. If you wish to achieve much, you must sacrifice much. It is because of this required ransom that many quit along the way. The majority of people who get started on major goals do not go all the way. This happens in cases where faith is insufficient to sustain action. Adequate faith makes action the natural course.

With faith you develop the power to overcome all kinds of obstacles. When you set your eyes on big goals, like conquering yourself, for example, you face big barriers. To keep going, constantly renew your faith by staying tuned to the cause. It is the constant action buttressed by determination that keeps you grinding on your goal.

When you understand and apply faith, you can focus on your goal and maintain good relationship with your team. Faith also triumphs over fear, worry, and procrastination. The worst, and most debilitating of these handicaps, is procrastination. It creates indecision. When you overcome procrastination, you become “a dynamite” – the irresistible power.

Applied faith creates substantial confidence that makes you implement everything you decide to do without hesitation. It is because you need reason and power to stay of the task that makes faith so crucial in the achievement of major goals that it is indispensable to success.

Advantages of applied faith:

  • Maintained definiteness of purpose – being steadfast on your goal
  • Harmonious relationship – harmony is natural if you have faith in one another
  • Going the extra mile – you work more and better with belief in your goal and your team
  • Increased creativity – Faith keeps you focused, and focus generates creative vision
  • Time management – faith in your goal helps you prioritize your activities
  • Pleasant personality – when determined to achieve your goal you will be positive and that positive vibration with give you a magnetic personality

“Scripture knows no other way to glory, but Christ put on and applied by faith.” — John Flavel. The glory here can be perfectly replaced by SUCCESS. The only known pathway to success is faith. Without absolute definite belief backed by action, there is no passageway to accomplishment. Develop faith and be steadfast until you reach your DESIRED goal.

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