Dr. Muchemi believes that values are very important for they form such a key foundation for who you become at the end of the day.

The exacting power of belief that these women demonstrate is a clear picture of what makes the African woman the catalyst of growth and the lifeline of the village.

Feeling truly beautiful in your own skin is a feat easier said than done. With all the focus society places on what beauty is, it’s no wonder, many women find it a challenge to recognize their beauty inside-out.

Although radio and television remain the most commonly used media platforms by Kenyans, there is a steady increase in the use of online news sources, read by 30% of Kenyans (Reelforge & Tifa 2019). However, the reporting on the impact of covid-19 targeting SGBV in Kenya media platforms is minimal compared to non-covid stories like political news.

Thanksgiving may not bring us what we want, but it assures us peace. When you focus on thanksgiving instead of complaints, you start noticing the good things in your life – even things you hardly knew existed. Gratitude introduces abundance in our lives. We feel free because we realize we don't really need all the stuff we are tempted with.

The local mwananchi keeps voting in the same leader of the last five years because the voter is too ignorant to see the facts for what they are. The unfortunate belief in “something for nothing” creates tunes such as “He brought us a wheelbarrow. He really cares for our well-being.” How far can you go with a non-motorized contraption in this time and age of instant gratification? If far enough, then great! He indeed has your best interest at heart. If not, you need to rethink your thinking.

In today’s dispensation, African nations, including Ghana, are deeply characterized by gender, class, ethnic and religious identities. A reading of Africa societies traditional practices shows existence of little or no significant gender inequality. In Traditional African Society history of Ghana, women have always, as a matter of tradition, served as queen mothers; queens; and in some areas as political chiefs holding offices in towns and villages.

"My greatest inspiration in life is women and girls. I look forward to mentoring young girls/women and uniting African women in the beauty pageant world with an objective and strategy to eradicate dropping out of school, early child marriages and Female Genital Mutilation."

Motherhood is often defined as an automatic set of feelings and behavior that is switched on by pregnancy and the birth of a baby. It is an experience that is said to be profoundly shaped by social context and culture. Motherhood is also seen as a moral transformation whereby a woman comes to terms with being different in that she ceases to be an autonomous individual because she is one way or the other attached to another; her baby.

She cared for wounded soldiers on both sides of the field during the civil war, and in its aftermath, she organized a mother’s friendship day, with a goal to foster reconciliation between former union and confederate soldiers by having them come together, along with mothers from both sides.