Category Lifestyle

Awaken Your Confidence and Win

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It is the aura people read off us when they meet us that counts. Confident people are able to bring out their personalities without caring about who is around, what they will think and the consequences associated.

Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health

Image displays a Mental Health tag

Individuals with mental disorders tend to have lower overall emotional intelligence. Several studies have shown that emotional abilities are of very particular relevance to psychological health and wellbeing. It’s also been found that emotional problems are related to the tendency to get involved in deviant and self-destructive behavior.

Why are Career Decisions so Hard to make?

a picture representative of career dilemma

Upon completion of secondary education, many students join colleges and technical institutes to pursue careers that do not match their capabilities and often make vocational choices based on hearsay and speculation. Others choose to follow their peers abroad ill prepared to deal with the culture shock and lifestyle pace of a first world nation.

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