Beginning of a New Era: A Look Into the Life of Her Excellency, Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan

Even though she didn't obviously align with Magufuli's proposal to ban young mothers from returning to school after giving birth, she didn't counter him publicly. It should be remembered that in 2005 when she was the minister of labor, gender development and children in Zanzibar, she overturned a similar ban.

  • Suluhu has been unfazed by skepticism from her male colleagues before as she stays on track advocating for Gender Equality
  • She stunned many at a public gender function when she intimated that she kneels before her husband as a sign of honor and love

By Mical Imbukwa

Samia Suluhu Hassan is the sixth president of the United Republic of Tanzania, after being sworn in few days ago following the demise of His Excellency Dr. John Pombe Magufuli. Notwithstanding the sombre circumstances surrounding her ascent to power, her place in history as the first female president in the East African Community is cast in stone.

Although speculations has risen touching on her presidential muscle, she has taken it in her stride with great confidence, courage, wrapped in empathy and humility, something that has restored hope ad already endeared her to Tanzanians. Having worked closely with JPM for six years hasnt hurt either, she is a ready package trusted to carry on the mantle. As described by some, she is a very capable leader.

“To those who are having doubts in the capability of a woman to run the high office, I want to let you know that the one standing before you is the President of the United Republic of Tanzania.” She wasted no time in instilling hope in Tanzanians, and firmly putting the naysayers in their place. This took place during the state funeral service of the late John Pombe Magufuli, no less. That she is a rock solid champion of gender equality was not lost on those in attendance, who, even through their tears for their fallen hero saw a leader to fall behind in the line of recovery and national development.

She commenced her political journey in 2000 when she was elected as a special seat member to the Zanzibar House of Representatives and was appointed a minister by President Amani Karume. She was re-elected to the seat in 2005. In 2012 she was elected into the national assembly and the fact that she garnered 80% of the votes, affirmed that people were recognizing her leadership skills. Before becoming Tanzania’s tenth vice president, she was a minister of state under the vice-president’s office.

Her loyalty to her master is not questionable. She is a keen student of the First Law of power which states, “Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite – inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.” Even though she didn’t obviously align with Magufuli’s proposal to ban young mothers from returning to school after giving birth, she didn’t counter him publicly. It should be remembered that in 2005 when she was the minister of labor, gender development and children in Zanzibar, she overturned a similar ban.

Even though she is married and has four children, not much is known of her family. Throughout her reign as vice president, she was never seen publicly in the company of her husband Mr. Hafidh Ameir. She caught many by surprise when she mentioned during a gender function that she kneels before her husband as a sign of honor and love. To the East African community, she is a powerful leader, while at home she is a mother and submissive wife.

Mama Samia as she is affectionately known, strikes a contrast in personality with the late Magufuli. Where as JPM was known to be impulsive, not afraid to speak off the cuff and let his feelings be known, she is said to be more thoughtful and considered. She is also said to be a good listener who believes in following the correct procedures. Eyes are now fixed on her, in regards to the approach of dealing with corona virus. Will she carry forward her predecessor’s stand?

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