5 proven ways to boost your weekly productivity

If you’re like me, you may have gone online to look for ways to boost your weekly productivity, as productivity wanes, and some days you won’t feel like doing anything.

I understand that everyone is unique, and our personal life and other external influences can easily influence how we manage our schedules and duties.

So in this post, I won’t be suggesting an approach that works for someone and tell you to go try it out. Instead, I will be sharing some proven strategies that you can make your own and apply to your life in the way that works best for you.

Let’s look at five proven ways to boost your productivity.

Create time to declutter your environment

Decluttering your home for five or ten minutes before going to bed will immediately remove those instances in the morning rush when you can’t find something, and it will help your morning routine run more efficiently. This is because your morning routine has a significant impact on how the rest of your day plays out, and beginning the day out in a frantic state can quickly derail you for the rest of the day.

Also, when you get to your office space, spend a few minutes simplifying and clearing your workstation. Instead of opening your email or Slack right away, use your first few minutes to ensure everything is in order.

Having a clutter-free home and workspace allows you to think more clearly and be at your productive peak.

Make short, manageable to-do lists

Looking at a to-do list with 20 tasks might be intimidating. Instead of writing down everything you need to do for the week, concentrate on a few goals you can do that day. Be realistic and avoid noting chores that aren’t necessarily urgent. This will go a long way to boost your weekly productivity.

When you’re most alert, tackle your most important assignment.

This method requires some self-reflection on your part, and it may change depending on your mood for the day. If you have the energy, take on the most challenging task of the day first. However, if you need an hour or two in the morning to get your brain juices going; complete some minor activities first before proceeding to the major ones. Crossing a few of those little chores off our to-do list might sometimes kick start our productivity.

Learn to say no.

If accepting a request implies abandoning your own goals for the day, learn to say no. Of course, you will not always be able to refuse a request. However, try your best to assess the circumstances, and if you know that adding something to your plate will derail your day, say no or suggest a different time.

Avoid multitasking.

It can be tempting to undertake several jobs at once, especially if they appear little or straightforward. However, studies suggest that when our brain switches back and forth between tasks, we become less efficient and more likely to make mistakes.

Understand the importance of taking breaks.

Our production levels decrease as we go longer without a break, and at some point, our body and mind cannot be productive anymore. So once you’ve completed a task, take a breather to improve concentration and mood. It doesn’t have to last more than five minutes, but it’s crucial for your mind and body to get a couple of breaks in a day.

In conclusion, incorporating the methods suggested above in your lifestyle will help you boost your weekly productivity.

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