We Belong Where We Want To Go: Africans Should Want Wealth

If you develop the attitude of want, it shall be multiplied for that is the mind of a slave who is conquered by circumstances. If you develop the mindset of growth, yours shall be multiplied for that is the quality of a king who conquers circumstances.

  • there is a reason as to why teachers are chosen among individuals who have excelled in their fields of study
  • Universal intelligence is just and plays no favorites
  • Material rewards are mere reflection of the quality of service, quantity of service and the intensity of spirit with which you provide the service.

By Sylvester Oluoch

Can a magnate attract wood or plastic? Can wood sharpen iron? Identify your opportunities, define your major interest, and focus on it. Fret for it, breathe for it and create the belief that it is the only reason you live and that for the attainment of that goal you are prepared to die. Winners must develop the will to create “their own climate and carry their own weather.”

It is by choosing the way you want to live that you create who you want to become, hence what you want and can do. Personal development follows desire.

Have you not heard of a lady in your society referred to as the one who lights up the room? Is it not because of the aura she brings; the laughter, the warmth, and the hope? That is the kind of girl who delivers priceless service. And because of her generosity and kindness, universal intelligence writes her a blank check that she may cash at a time, place, and amount of her choice. As you give, so shall you receive; says the good book. It is a poet named Madeline bridges who wrote this:

“For life is the mirror of king and slave,

‘Tis just what we are and do;

Then give to the world the best that you have

And the best will come back to you.”

We, Africans must choose, with utmost care, what we want to be known for. Africa is healthy by virtue of our average age and dietary habits. We are rich because we have over one half of Earth’s arable land, and we are endowed with precious minerals beyond compare. We are enlightened because wisdom and manners have been handed down to us, without interruption, for countless generations.

Let us take charge of our talents and resources. And let us shy from believing what others tell us about ourselves. Let each man search for himself, let every woman search for herself, and let all African children be guided only by their God given intuition, and the cheerful words of a positive world that reassures them of their beauty and that they can become anything they want to become. Let us realize that our riches are limited only by our own imaginations.

Just like in the parable of the talents, those who use their talents well are rewarded by expanded returns “Those who have will be added unto, and those who have little, even the little will be taken away.” If you develop the attitude of want, it shall be multiplied for that is the mind of a slave who is conquered by circumstances. If you develop the mindset of growth, yours shall be multiplied for that is the quality of a king who conquers circumstances.

If you are paranoid, divine providence heaps fear upon you by whatever practical means. If you are a realist, all the pragmatists tune in to you and feed you with abundant optimism and success. Your success is defined by your service. Material rewards are mere reflection of the quality of service, quantity of service and the intensity of spirit with which you provide the service.

Seek good counsel – there is a reason as to why teachers are chosen among individuals who have excelled in their fields of study. Most people never harvest their greatness because they consult people who have failed in their fields of interest. To succeed, pick those who have done well in the specialty of your choice. Seek their guidance and they will teach you the ropes. The former knows only how to fail, and you do not want that. You can fail all by yourself, so you do not need a pessimist showing you how to fail!

Dedicate yourself to service by delivering greater quantity and superior quality. You must stand out just like a giant among dwarfs. Dare to stick out like a sore thumb. Be different. It is the sure way to victory. When it comes to success, the greatest teacher from Galilee Valley said this “It shall not be thus amongst you, but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your servant.” And Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said this “Even if you set your house in the woods and you make better mousetraps than everybody else, people will beat a path to your door.”

What can Africa make better than everyone else in the world? In what does Africa excel? Let us identify these two and double down on them.

Work diligently and love thy God with all your heart. Love yourself deeply. And love thy neighbor as you love thyself. While in supplication for cooperation of universal intelligence, break not the laws of God, and step not on the rights of fellow men. Universal intelligence is just and plays no favorites. If you sacrifice the hopes of fellow men on the Altar of your desire, then it will not work for you. Your transgressions will be multiplied just as well as your good deeds. Whichever outweighs the other reigns, service or transgression, mirror, mirror.

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