- With a population of 31 million people, Mozambique is undertaking over US$60 billion, US$45 billion of which are already under construction.
- Most of the projects are under partnership with the private sector to elevate Mozambique’s infrastructure energy sector to become a major player in the international markets.
There are currently more than $60 billion of active projects in Mozambique under threat due to security concerns in the country’s northern parts. Population growth exceeds 30 per cent over the next decade, which requires investment in infrastructure and developing the economy.
Mozambique’s population will increase by 32 per cent over the next ten years to more than 42 million. There is currently more than $60 billion of active projects in Mozambique of which, more than $45 billion is under construction.
A threat to the active projects market in Mozambique is the religious insurgents that have plagued the northern gas-rich parts of the country over the last couple of years. These events have a disastrous effect on the blooming gas sector. Total has already announced force-majeure on the massive LNG project near Palma in the North of the country. Subsequently, Mozambique received a market risk score of 7.28 by ABiQ Africa Projects, which placed it in the 40th position in Africa.
Rovuma LNG
Developed through a joint venture between ExxonMobil Development Africa B.V., Eni S.p.A, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and CNODC Dutch Cooperatief U.A., the massive 15.2 million tonnes per annum liquified natural gas (LNG) project was due to reach a final investment decision in 2020. The FID has been delayed several times due to security concerns and the impact COVID-19 had on hydrocarbon markets.

project projected to start in 2025
Mozambique LNG

Developed by Mozambique LNG, a joint venture with Total as the lead will have a capacity to produce 12.88 million tonnes per annum of LNG. Total has declared force-majeure due to the security concerns in the Palma area in northern Mozambique. A joint venture company CCSJV s.c.a.r.l. is the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor.
Coral South FLNG Project
Developed by a joint venture consisting of Mozambique Rovuma Venture S.p.A. JV (MRV), Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos and Korea Gas Corporation (Kogas), the Floating Liquified Natural Gas (FLNG) vessel will operate in ultra-deep waters exceeding two thousand metres. The EPC contractor is a joint venture between JGC Corporation, TechnipFMC and Samsung Heavy Industries.

Mphanda Nkuwa Hydroelectric Dam
Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric is developing a new reservoir for a hydropower project that will have a 1,500-megawatt capacity. Camargo Corrêa is the lead contractor, and the power off-taker is Electricidade de Mocambique.

The Mphanda Nkuwa hydropower project is a 1,500MW, £1.9bn ($2.4bn) project run-of-the-river hydroelectric facility proposed to be built on the Zambezi River, in the Tete province of Mozambique.
Tete Coal Power Plant
Developed by a joint venture of Ncondezi Energy, CMEC and General Electric, the project will include a coal mine and 300-megawatt power plant in the northern Tete province. The power station’s design includes the option to increase capacity to 1,800-megawatt in the future. The main contractor is China Machinery Engineering, and the power off-taker is Electricidade de Mocambique.

Source: AbiQ