- KRA’s Commissioner General Githii Mburu CBS, confirmed that the Board has appointed Ms. Lilian Anyango Nyawanda as Commissioner of Customs and Border Control and Dr. Edward Kinyua Karanja as Commissioner of Investigation and Enforcement.
- The Commissioner General said that the two roles are key pillars in delivering KRA’s vision to be a Globally Trusted Revenue Agency facilitating Tax and Customs compliance.
The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has announced two substantive Commissioners’ appointment as part of an ongoing leadership capacity enhancement programme.

KRA’s Commissioner General Githii Mburu CBS, in a media communiqué, confirmed that the Board has appointed Ms. Lilian Anyango Nyawanda as Commissioner of Customs and Border Control and Dr. Edward Kinyua Karanja as Commissioner of Investigation and Enforcement.
The Commissioner General said that the two roles are key pillars in delivering KRA’s vision to be a Globally Trusted Revenue Agency facilitating Tax and Customs compliance.
“At KRA, we are pleased to welcome aboard Commissioners Ms. Lilian Anyango Nyawanda and Dr. Edward Kinyua Karanja in their new roles, which are crucial leadership appointments. The two leaders will play a key role in spearheading and sustaining revenue mobilization and institutional transformation agenda,” Mr. Mburu said. He added, “While making the appointments, the Board, led by Ambassador Francis K. Muthaura EGH, MBS has conveyed its best wishes and commitment to enable the two new commissioners excel in their roles.”
Prior to her appointment as Commissioner Customs and Border Control, Ms. Lilian Anyango Nyawanda served as the Customs and Excise Manager of Africa Region at the Diageo Centre of Excellence overseeing the customs governance, risk management and international trade operations.
Ms. Nyawanda holds a Master of Business Administration (Strategic Management) degree from United States International University and a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) degree from University of Nairobi. She has a Certificate in Customs and Tax Administration from the Kenya School of Revenue Administration (KESRA).
Ms. Nyawanda brings to KRA a broad wealth of experience gained from public sector, private sector and academia in customs and international trade matters both within the East Africa region and Africa in general. She has broad experience in customs administration, policy and legislation having been part of various legislative reviews and changes.
Dr. Edward Kinyua Karanja is currently the KRA Acting Commissioner of Investigation and Enforcement in addition to his substantive role as the Deputy Commissioner – Investigation and Enforcement, a position he has held since 2019.
Dr. Karanja has a wealth of experience in tax investigations and has significantly contributed towards reforms geared towards countering tax evasion and building confidence in tax systems. He has instituted investigations that have led to recovery of taxes.
From 2013 to 2014, Dr. Karanja served as the Manager in charge of Investigations and Enforcement, Domestic Taxes Department. In 2015, he was moved to the Investigations and Enforcement Department as a Chief Manager.
Dr Karanja was appointed KRA Deputy Commissioner, Investigations and Enforcement Department, in 2019 and currently the Acting Commissioner for the Department.
Dr. Karanja holds a Doctorate in Business Administration from Washington International University (WIU); a Master of Business Administration (Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management) from United States International University; Master of Arts in Public Finance from Grips University, Tokyo, Japan and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Mathematics from Egerton University. He is a Member of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) and a member of Kenya Institute of Management.