David Schwartz’s The Magic Of Thinking Big

You are what your thoughts make of you. You cannot rise above your thoughts, neither can you fall far below those very thoughts. Make good choice of attire and dress to impress.

  • To stay fired up and to keep thinking and dreaming big, give yourself routine pep talks
  • Life happens under deficient conditions, do not wait for perfection
  • The world is fun filled because we are varied in character

By Sylvester Oluoch

The entire postulation of this book is crystallized in just a few words: You get results exactly according to the size of your thinking – no less no more. This, because the size of our thinking determines the size of our faith. And it is unto us according to our faith.

Thinking big takes clarity and focus. For a start, you must overcome the habit of making excuses. Excuses, habitually made, erodes confidence in a manner so subtle that it literally slips by.

To stay fired up and to keep thinking and dreaming big, give yourself routine pep talks. If you are going to make great strides in life, you are going to overcome fear and build confidence. And the best antidote to the paralyzing effect of fear is action.

To think big, do not sell yourself short. Remember that you are better than you think. Take care to use big, cheerful words that elevate your spirit. Continue deepening your vision by stretching the reach of your imagination. See your job as necessary and important. Do not get into trivialities. Be “big.”

Think creatively. Dream big. Always believe you can do whatever it is your calling to do. Do everything you can to overcome traditional beliefs and superstitions. At the start of every new day, challenge yourself to do more and do better. Form the habit of asking questions and listening actively. Deliberately cultivate the acquaintance of the “big idea people” who believe they are only limited by their own thinking.

You are what your thoughts make of you. You cannot rise above your thoughts, neither can you fall far below those very thoughts. Make good choice of attire and dress to impress. Look important; act the part. Look at your job as essential and important and see yourself as important. Before taking any action, arrest your thoughts with this age-old question: “Would an important person think this way?” Then go with the answer you get.

In everything you do go first class. Manage your environment to reflect class and nobility. Remember that with your mind you can create a total mess, a total order and everything in between. So why not just choose total order? Money and power flows easily in clean minds and orderly places. Feed your mind with healthy mind food. Avoid naysayers and small thinkers. Gossip is thought poison – keep away from it at all costs.

Deliberately seek company and counsel of successful people. Visit new places, make new friends, and explore ideas that expand your thinking.

Cultivate the best attitudes. One such habit is letting others know they are important. Follow this with “service first” mindset and understand that service is the end, not a means to an end.

Think right about people. Success depends on the support and cooperation of others. Develop the liking of others and be kind. Be appreciative in every step of the way. Accept, and even celebrate, human differences. The world is fun filled because we are varied in character. Understand and practice courtesy in conversations. In every setback, take full responsibility. Do not get into blame games.

Action, action, action. Know that doers are better than “donters.” Life happens under deficient conditions, do not wait for perfection. Never wait for the spirit to move you. Seek to move the spirit. Embrace the power of now. Seize every moment. Things only happen in the present – not in the future and certainly never in the past.

Focus on your goal, keep thinking big, persist, continuously improve your products and services, cultivate the friendship of associates, and always do good, so as to create staunch allies.

If we all double the size of our thinking, we will more than double the size of Africa’s wealth because of synergy and the law of increasing returns.

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