Creative Vision: Your Most Potent Tool of Influence

Creativity is not a miraculous quality with which one is gifted or is not gifted at birth; it is born of creative effort and ceaseless importunity. Thus, you can influence it into being.

By Sylvester Oluoch

Creative vision is the system of techniques consisting of tools of thought with which you may develop strategies and design methods and means to any goal you desire. It starts with creative imagination that runs your conception from inception to the finished product. It mentally moves the intangible to tangible making it your most potent tool of influence.

Further, this creative imagination visualizes the product in its finished form even before your production process begins. It is the magic molding block with which your mind creates a “three-D” image of your intended outcome.

Imagination is the beginning of the mind’s weaving of thought that manifests into character and circumstance. Creative vision takes shape when you hold the vision constantly in your mind and play it repeatedly, thereby developing an object of unwavering faith – all there is to influence.

Creativity is not a miraculous quality with which one is gifted or is not gifted at birth; it is born of creative effort and ceaseless importunity. Thus, you can influence it into being.

Creative effort is the grease that oils the joy of work. As Franklin D. Roosevelt put it, “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.” This makes vision your most compelling tool in influencing your world and pays dividends in sense and cents.

Creative perception is the first major step in creative vision. It consists of insight, ecstasy, and an element of surprise at the riches and beauty of the world. It is the point at which you recognize with deliberate attention, the boundless gifts that the creator has bestowed upon you. Your only job is to exercise your right to these gifts.

Creative consciousness follows up with isolation and detailed examination of each facet of interest. Because there is so much that form your environment, this is the point at which you do selective perception. Choosing that which you want to concentrate on sets you on the place of deep concentration and intense focus. This strengthens your potency.

Understanding the creative vision cycle is a great tool. The more we master this cycle from inception to creative manipulation and put it to use in Africa, the better we will position Africa at the cutting edge of development. This vision is our single most potent tool of influence.

At this point of consciousness, you recognize your talent and believe that all thoughts exist in the ether for eternity. Anthon St. Maarten said this, “You are one thing only. You are a divine being. An all-powerful creator: you are a Deity in Jeans and t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”

Creative emotional experience constitutes peak experience of immersion into space, time, and essence of an object. This is the point of infusion of goals and effort. It is the level at which you emotionalize the object of your pursuit. This is where you determine and crystallize your goal. And this point you are a gifted hand for everything you touch turns to gold!

Creative thinking comes on the heels of creative emotional experience – the penetration of the essence of an object and understanding the connections between causes and effects. It is knowing how one event leads to the other. It is the juncture at which you take full responsibility for all your experiences because you see everything as consequences of your choices.

Creative comprehension comprises of the power of prediction and anticipation. This is where your mind charts the path of your interactions by understanding trends and predicting consumer behavior. As a salesperson, here is where you extrapolate trends and evaluate the likely behavior patterns and the probable expectations. This is the stage at which you seize opportunity.

Creative manipulation is the golden point, the tool of perception and recognition of the pliability and plasticity of the universe. This is it. This is your testing point. You use this understanding to sow the seed of interest in the mind of the buyer. Indeed, you give the buyer an exact motive to buy what you are selling.

A good understanding of customer expectations and fears or concerns helps package what appeals to the prospect and addresses the immediate or urgent significant need of the said customer.

Creative manipulation is the only zone where something better than seizing an opportunity exists. It is called creating an opportunity and making circumstances – basically a pot of gold. “My favourite words are possibilities, opportunities and curiosity. I think if you are curious, you create opportunities, and then if you open the doors, you create possibilities.” Mario Testino

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