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Why A Plastics Pact Is Recipe For Better Environmental Management Practices

Image shows a pile of plastics

A pact will bind all stakeholders in the plastics value chain to embrace a common vision in which plastic never becomes waste. It will further stimulate industry led-innovation, dialogue and collaboration to create new business models, generate job opportunities, and unlock barriers to move towards a circular economy for plastic, with improved economic, environmental and societal outcomes overall.

Dealing with the Pandemic Fatigue

Image of line of people being tested for Covid 19

With the emergence of an unexpected third wave of the pandemic that is demanding a more frenetic distribution of vaccines that have been developed in record time, most countries where CoviD-19 has resurfaced a third time have opted for stricter…

Kenyans have the right to legal medicines from legal pharmacies bearing the green cross mark of accreditation

image of customer buying edicines

One-in-ten Kenyans would rather consult a pharmacist than go to a hospital, according to the 2013 Kenya Household Health Expenditure Survey, and almost a third buy medicines over the counter without a prescription: yet that opens the door to far more than incorrect dosing, if it turns out the pharmacist isn’t a pharmacist at all.

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