Set Your Goal Then Seek, Believe and Receive

When you have a definite major purpose - that single thing which you are willing to accept as your standard of success - you develop long-term vision and concentration of effort to sustain a lifetime of pursuit.

By Sylvester Oluoch

To set a goal you must understand what a goal is and know the reasoning behind goal setting. Goals are the guiding stars that help you stay on course and remain energized. Without goals you cannot persist because you have nothing to sustain your pursuit. So, set your objective clearly the seek without ceasing, believe without doubting and receive without loathing.

Goal setting starts with understanding your goal clearly. Your goal must be concise and sound. Clarity means setting out to achieve exactly what you intend. If you are pursuing a great quality of life watch keenly so you do not fall for high standard of living; they differ in means and ends. Those who pursue knowledge often mistake it for wisdom and a good lot of people have mastered how to make a living without ever learning how to live.

A goal must be a worthy ideal and the pursuit of such goal is deemed a success only if its pursuit does not break the laws of nature nor trample on the rights of others. To seek, believe and receive requires focused attention and pleasing personality.

A goal can be defined as that object of a person’s desire – the ambition and driving force that forms the basis of one’s habits and associations. It defines activities and relationships that gravitate around the attainment of the definite objective.

When you have a definite major purpose – that single thing which you are willing to accept as your standard of success – you develop long-term vision and concentration of effort to sustain a lifetime of pursuit. It then provides you with motivation and the drive for targeted accomplishment.

Goals are critical because goals work for governments, corporations, and individuals alike if the goal lines are well set. In the 1950s Japan set out to be the world’s top producer of textiles, in the 1960s Japan focused on being the leader in steel production, in 1970s Japan set out to control global automobile market and in the 1980s Japan decided to take a commanding lead in manufacturing of computers and other electronics.

Japan hit its target in each of these decades save for leadership in automobile market, which came late by a year.

The achievement of goals depends on how they are set, planned, and executed. If you are a farmer, for example, fix in your mind the exact amount of what you desire. It is not enough for a farmer to merely say “I want to be a successful farmer”; instead, the farmer should say and write a statement such as this “I want to have assets worth $ 5 million by the time I turn 60 years of age. I will obtain this by growing watermelons, oranges and bananas and selling them locally and in other African markets.”

Having written your statement, read your goal as many times as you can every day, with a minimum of three times a day. Read it as soon as you wake up, then around midday and finally before going to bed. Read it aloud at least ones a day. Read with high emotional intensity and believe and see yourself already delivering the services and receiving returns in exchange (nothing comes to you in material or financial form before you receive it in your mind.)

This is the process called autosuggestion, which transfers information from your conscious to subconscious mind, where the information is acted upon immediately through whatever logical or practical means.

It is not by might or right that you win or lose; it is by sight (mindsight) or lack thereof.

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