How to get started on your goal and stay motivated

Most people have goals they want to get started on, and sometimes it is challenging to find the motivation to get started on your goal. Even on goals that you really want to achieve, sometimes the motivation is just not there. So it will be helpful to understand what motivation means, and how to stay motivated.

What is motivation?

Motivation, as generally agreed upon by scientists, is the set of psychological forces that compel action. It is the drive to do things like achieving your goals or needs. And the intensity at which you want the goal, the gains and expectations involved also influences motivation.

It is good for one to be motivated, as it helps us achieve our goals, change old habits, solve problems, and cope with challenges and opportunities.

Personally, I agree with the author of The War of Art, Steven Pressfield, who in the book has a wonderful line, that I believe sums up motivation nicely. It reads, “At some point, the pain of not doing something becomes greater than the pain of doing it”. This means that at this point, it is easier to change than stay the same, and at this point, it is easy for you to achieve your goals, because you desire change.

How to be and stay motivated

Being motivated starts with the desire to achieve a goal. So you need to set a SMART goal, and break it down into the necessary steps required to achieve it. Also, tell those who you know really care about you what you intend to achieve, so that they can also be your support system to help keep you motivated.  

Sometimes it can be hard to stay motivated, and this is why you see some people abandon their goals half-way. So here are some tips to help you stay motivated.

  1. Review your goals regularly, so you can see the progress you have made. Seeing the progress you have made is a great motivator to keep you going.
  2. Find mentors. A mentor is someone who has travelled the path you want to travel on, so they have experience and can help guide you. Mentors can help you both directly and indirectly. Directly in the sense that you engage them in a physical conversation or indirectly when you read the books they have written on the subject you want to learn about.
  3. Surround yourself with people who encourage and care about you.

In what ways do you keep yourself motivated? Please drop them in the comment section.

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