Break From Bad Habits, Cultural Bondages, And Superstition

Habits are stubborn things – rooted in cultural prejudices and are sometimes anchored in enduring superstitions. You cannot eliminate a bad habit through an acute angle tackle. You can only supplant it with another habit.

Sylvester Oluoch

“You can never cross the ocean until you dare to lose sight of the shore” Swahili Proverb.

 Know your shore. It can be a place, people or things that give you comfort and reassure you every time doubt and fear creeps in you. This shore is the trap. You will not get massive success until you break from bad habits, cultural bondages, and superstitious beliefs.

Breaking from bad habits by stepping out of cultural bounds, and overcoming delusion is difficult largely because of cosmic habituation – a process where continuous triggering of certain stimulus elicits diminishing response and eventual insensitivity. The reason we turn “a blind eye” on things important to our success is because we become unresponsive to guiding signals.

Habits take time and effort to break because they are driven by neuropathways embedded in the subconscious mind. Cultural repressions endure unless forcefully interrupted, and superstitions can be eliminated only by questioning their bases.

To overcome failure habits, and you must for you to succeed, you need to take cognition of the impact your cultural practices have on you. Also, seek to understand the genesis of your superstitions. However, according to, January 2021 some African beliefs are backed by science and provide moral codes that stabilize society. 

Breaking from a habit that leads away from your goal is the first step to major achievement. Habits are stubborn things – rooted in cultural prejudices and are sometimes anchored in enduring superstitions. You cannot eliminate a bad habit through an acute angle tackle. You can only supplant it with another habit.

To get rid of a bad habit, form a new habit. This you do by progressively thinking new thoughts, creating new acquaintances, and making the deliberate choice to turn your back on your “old ways” There are two fundamentals to breaking habits that untie cultural knots and unchain superstitions. According to Forbes, February 2018, you have to understand structure of habits and be patient because positive change takes time.

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