Becoming What You Habitually Think

Our minds are precious. Just like a garden full of weeds, we need to keep cultivating it by proactively placing good thoughts in our minds - constantly checking the people that surround you to ensure that their energy matches yours. It is okay to say no to people who feed you with negative thoughts.

By Nadia Muthoni

The whole equation of thought and success begins from the mind. It is thoughts that become actions and actions that produce results. It is therefore safe to say that the key to success is the thoughts we hold. If we have thoughts of fear and failure, then that is exactly what will reflect in our lives. All these negative thoughts cause us to act in certain ways that cannot lead us to success.

Many times, we let things cloud our minds. Yet, if you are like most people, you hardly spend time reflecting on the way you think. You fail to sieve what stays in your thoughts, and the more you give space and fail to guard your mind, then these thoughts become part of you. Hence, you start manifesting negative things in your life.

Our minds are precious. Just like a garden full of weeds, we need to keep cultivating it by proactively placing good thoughts in our minds – constantly checking the people that surround you to ensure that their energy matches yours. It is okay to say no to people who feed you with negative thoughts. Think highly, and you will generally rise.

“The Universe doesn’t give you what you ask for with your thoughts; it gives you what you demand with your actions”  – Dr.Steve Maraboli.

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