What will become of me this year?

Is this a question on your mind this moment? Do not be scared for you are not alone.

This is the same question a good number of individuals are asking themselves at this time. It is a new year and everyone wants to be better and do better than they have before.

There are a lot of things that determine what you can do and what you will do this year. These things are pointers to what you can do and what you can achieve.

There are no limits to what you can achieve this year as long as you have the right plan and you strive to work smart.

Here is a blueprint that will lead you towards working smart this year.

1. Find your purpose:

This year, close the door on moving and working without having a reason or a why. Knowing the reason you are working this year makes it easier to know how you will achieve your goals. The “WHY” determines the “HOW”. 

Moving without purpose is like moving in a dark room without a candle. The purpose of the candle at that instance is to guide your path and to ensure that you reach your destination seamlessly. Find your purpose and your purpose will guide your path this year.

The greatest achievement you can have at the end of the year is realizing that you have lived a purpose-driven life.

2. Draw up a plan:

After finding your purpose, it is time to draw up a plan and strategize on how to achieve it. The place of having an action plan cannot be overemphasized enough in achieving any task you have set your mind to.

According to Alan Lakein, “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now”. Keep this quote in mind and run with it as you make your plans this year.

3. Surround yourself with people with like mindset:

Want to experience an upgrade in your life? Then start by connecting with people of like mindset. Connect with people who are in line with your field and can push you forward. Be with people who motivate you to be better and not people who keep you under undue pressure without adding any single value to you. Above all, be open for partnership.

4. Have a set target:

Setting a target helps you have a destination; it becomes a source of motivation.

See these examples:

°I am going to walk 5000 meters today

°I am going to walk today.

The difference between these two statements is the target. The one who decides to just walk can walk 100 meters and turn back; he doesn’t really have a reason for walking. But the person who has set a target would strive to meet up his target. He has set a standard for success. Have a standard target today!

5. Make sacrifices

In achieving all you have planned out for this year, you have to be prepared to make sacrifices; there are prices that need to be paid. Sleepless nights, meetings and at other times you might need to step out of your comfort zone.

You have to realize that when you place yourself in situations that challenge you, this helps you cut out certain excesses off your life. This is basically a step to training yourself for the upgrade to come.

This is 2022; you need to take a deep reflection and point out those habits that are not aiding your growth then cut them off.

Step up your game and own the year. This is to wish you a prosperous year.

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