Unspoken Rules of Healthy Friendships/Relationships

Friendship is a good relationship between people and a state of enduring affection, trust, and support. A friendship turns out to be healthy when there is honesty, trust, open communication, and respect.

Friendships, at most, tend to be random, but some unspoken rules guide the healthy ones. Most are not stated clearly but are driven by common sense and decency.

Here are three unspoken rules of healthy friendships/relationships

Show Support

In healthy friendships, we expect the people we are friends with to show effort in being there for us when we need them if they are in a position to. This also means we show up when they need us if we can. 

If we’re not in a position to be there physically, we can always support them emotionally to make them feel better that they’re not alone.

Good Communication

Good and effective communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Communicate when need be. If you have plans to do something together but can’t show up, at least tell them you won’t make it. This is respectful.

We also have to learn how to talk out our issues. If you feel offended by what they did or said to you, be bold enough to tell them politely instead of ghosting them. 

Ghosting destroys the other person and makes them feel like they’re not the good person they should be or don’t know how to be your friend.

Respect Boundaries

Healthy friendships are also based on respecting boundaries. Do not pressure your friends to be what they’re not. If a friend doesn’t like clubbing, do not push them to a club because you enjoy it. Let them be and respect their decisions.

People find it an extreme sport to maintain healthy friendships, but ideally, it’s pretty easy. There should be a balance in everything, be it power or effort. 

We should also be committed to making the friendship work and still be able to respect each other’s decisions and boundaries. All in all, a healthy relationship should be drama free.

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