How To Defeat Adversities in Life by Changing Your Attitude

What does it mean to face adversity? It means to meet a state of hardship, difficulty, or misfortune that one deals with in life.

When you are facing adversity, you can either come out the best or the worst, depending on the attitude you give. At our worst, we can either get psychological conditions that can drain us, the motivation to face the misfortune in our lives, or have a good attitude that will give us the motivation to face those particular challenges with bravery. It’s a choice one has to consciously make.

Practising resilience is the key to finding your peace and living a stress-free life. This gives us the ability to bounce back from difficult experiences when we face adversity, stress, threat, disappointments, and other essential challenges in life. 

At different times in my life, I have faced misfortunes here and there. Now that I look back, my attitude came to play a long way in how I overcame those challenges. I realized being sad didn’t make my situation any better. Being bitter didn’t take away the situation either. So it was either I stayed miserable the whole time or did something about my situation, or sometimes the best you can do is watch and learn from them. Embracing different perspectives helped me fall back easily the many times I faced an obstacle.

Quite a few people I know do this a lot. I don’t think there is anyone that has never faced adversity. I’ve watched people go through this, crumble and get to their worst, but I have also seen others become stronger and eventually manage their situations. 

Those who crumble and get miserable are those whose minds are obsessed with thinking about the worst-case scenario. Their thoughts are mostly biased toward the negative side of things. They get swamped up and quickly put down by such circumstances. These thoughts can sometimes be draining, and instead of putting up a fight, we get mentally and physically exhausted. We can’t even try.

When a person is faced with overwhelming adversity or significant life challenges over which they have no control, they easily lose hope. They don’t know that, by developing an attitude of turning every challenge into an advantage, you become more aware and open to new opportunities. In fact, instead of letting a situation weigh you down, you can hop into an opportunity and get the best out of it.

So, it is wise to ask ourselves which attitude serves us best in dealing with adversity. Having that attitude requires faith and perseverance, knowing that things will eventually work out. None of this requires intellectual aptitude. It only requires a little shift of mindset, attitude and training of the mind to get there. Be the one to stand strong in times of adversity.


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

Martin Luther King Jr

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