Three Valuable Life Lessons, They Won’t Teach You in School

Education is vital for the growth of humankind and the preservation of cultures and traditions of man from generation to generation. Over the years, the concept of education has been contained in the school system. 

Education is seen as the process of formal training in a school environment. Formal learning systems are critical and essential for individual training for academic reasons and professional training. 

The school system also allows you to work under proper guidance from Tutors, fosters teamwork through projects, and ensures you learn steadily. However, formal learning systems (schooling) do not teach nor equip students with all critical life lessons. Some of the most valuable lessons needed for a successful life can only be learned outside school.

Here are three valuable Life lessons they won’t teach you in school

Thinking outside the box

The school syllabus is designed to teach and indoctrinate young ones to think there is only one way to achieve certain results. The school system is designed with rules and patterns for everything. 

There is a box that you are meant to fill and be contented with. In school, you don’t learn to think outside the box because there is a correct answer to every question. 

Thinking outside the box is a crucial skill for life. It gives you an extra edge in the real world. Elon Musk did not follow the set paths. He took a risk and went outside the box, and he was able to build his business empires from his out-of-the-box ideas.

Life Skills 

Everyman grows up and becomes more independent. As this grows, we must be equipped with certain life skills apart from our education certificate and career skills. 

Life skills such as managing money, decision-making, negotiation, and conflict resolution are critical to successful living. Every man needs to learn these skills. 

These life skills equip you to be a better individual and citizen. It makes you better at work and improves productivity, professionalism, and efficiency as an individual after school and in the career world.

Relationship and Networking

The school system places a lot of emphasis on grades and cumulative grade points. That seems to be the only thing students are advised to focus on while in school. 

Only a few schools emphasize the place of making friends and maintaining relationships. Life is not a competition, and no one is grading you in life. 

It is important to know that success can be very lonely if you have no one to grow and enjoy success with. Relationships and people are more important than titles or materials. 

Relationships are more important than any material goods you acquire on the road to success. Without material, goods are not of much use. Setting your values and priorities can help you establish what’s important.

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