What Is a Vision Board and Why Must You Have One for Growth?

I have always heard of the concept of having a vision board, but I didn’t try it or have one until I was invited to a vision board party in 2021. At the party, I made a picture representing my goals for 2021 and wrote the words of affirmation that confirmed it, and that action changed everything for me. The fact that I could see my Vision before me made me more intentional about it, and I achieved 4 out of the six visions I put on my vision board in 2021. I achieved the other two in the first three months of 2022. That is the power of a vision board.

What is a vision board?

Ever heard the saying, “What you see is what you get?”, This saying is centred on the power of seeing before actualizing. The vision board helps you see your goals and actualize them.
A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and ambitions. It is a collection of pictures and texts (Affirmations and words) that highlight your goals and remind you of them. The vision board allows you to see what you are achieving; it helps you clarify your dreams and focus on the big picture. It helps you see beyond imagination and gives you a clear picture of your goals.
A vision board brings direction to your course. It is easy to get lost in the world of your desires and daily activities. A vision board helps you stay focused on the most important goals. Many top celebrities like Oprah, Reese Witherspoon, Ellen DeGeneres, Steve Harvey, and Katy Perry have adopted the vision board and testified that it works for them. The vision board uses the power of visualization. Visualize it and manifest it.

Reasons you must have a Vision Board

Vision Board aligns your thought with your Vision

A vision board applies the law of attraction. A vision board helps you focus on a particular picture. The law of attraction asserts that you are what you think about. This is saying that if you spend most hours in a day thinking about problems, then you attract more problems. On the other hand, if you focus on the positive aspect of life, the universe will provide the resources needed to achieve this positive life, and you will find more positive events and pleasure in life. Creating a vision board is the first step in aligning your thoughts with your Vision.

Vision Board boosts your motivation

A picture of where you are going keeps you going when you are tired. Your Vision fuels your passion and can be a source of strength in hard times. A person in love looks out for a message or call from their lover as soon as they wake up. Wouldn’t it be nice to adopt the same with your vision board? How about your visions being the first thing you see every morning when you wake up? Won’t you be encouraged and more focused on your Vision?
Envisaging the life you want as soon as you wake up every morning gives you a boost of motivation to do the best of your ability to ensure you fulfil that goal. Every action you take will bring you closer to your goals. Therefore keep your vision board close to your bed, where you can see it first thing every morning before you get carried by other things.

It gives you a visual manifestation of your goals

When I was making my vision board, I included moving into a new apartment, but it was difficult choosing where to live and what kind of house I wanted to stay in. Before picking the right picture to place on my vision board, I had to take a break and visualize where I wanted to stay.
Your vision board helps you see your goals. It adds life and soul to your goals. It helps you see where to focus on and grow more. Having a visual manifestation also allows you to feel your goals. When you create a vision board, you know fulfilling your Vision is just a matter of time and effort. It brings you closer to your dreams.

It holds you accountable

Having a vision board in your place of work reminds you of the big dream you have. As a result, you feel the urge to work harder and fulfil your dream. You are accountable for your dreams and Vision. You are motivated to do more when you are tired or frustrated because you owe yourself that success. A vision board holds you accountable for the success of your dreams.

Creating a vision board gives you the Clarity of your dreams in a fun way.

I remember when I was creating my vision board. I saw many pictures that represented my goal, but I just knew I couldn’t use them because I just knew it wasn’t the exact Vision I had. With a vision board, you can document your Vision using the exact picture that shows your dream. A friend of mine wanted to pick a picture to represent her public speaking dream, and she ensured she used an image of a speaker on a Tedx platform. According to her, that’s where she wanted to be, and that’s her main goal. You can clarify your Vision and dream using a vision board and have so much fun drawing up pictures for your board. It helps you focus on the main goal and leave behind distractions.

Vision boards are so important. You can envisage what you want and attract it. Seeing your board daily reminds you of what’s important and helps motivate you to keep moving towards fulfilling your goals. If you have never tried a vision board before, now’s the time to create one and hang it on your wall.

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