The International Day of the African Child

You will all agree that for every child that is born, an investment has been made into the future of a race. Children are the seeds of the age to come. They are vital to the continent, nation, and a community’s future.

Because of this very important component, Africans believe that children are the joy of life. The African child is the hope of the continent. When given the right training and lessons, he/she will grow into a very influential person on the continent of Africa.

The international Day of the African Child is a day to remember the African children, advocate for their rights and give the best to them. The African Child Day originated on June 16, 1971when over 20,000 South African students in the town of Soweto decided to protest on the streets — demanding to be taught in their language. But unfortunately armed polices turned their guns on these young protesters and murdered them.

This is why the International Day of the African Child was created. It is a day focused on removing barriers that African children face to receive quality education and holding our leaders accountable for their promise to the African child. It is a day to remember the significance of the African child and how they would make the continent proud.

It is the day to ask yourself this question “What am I doing to make a child’s life better?” And “How am I being a positive influence to the young ones”

The African child is the responsibility of everybody. We should ensure their rights are preserved and protected. The African child should feel safe and protected.

To celebrate the International Day of the African Child, you can make an African child happy. Make a donation to an organization supporting African children, educate someone about the African child and help the African child.

Remember you don’t have to live in Africa to celebrate the international day. Celebrate the African children today. They deserve to be celebrated.

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