Six Guidelines to Help You Maintain a Healthy Body

One important thing we all are cognizant of is, without a sound body, there is no sound mind. This is because there is no clear distinction between the body and the mind. Thus, they are constantly referred to as the body-mind and, further, the body-mind-soul. 

Any time your body can fight pathogens and germs, it shows that your body’s Ph is high, i.e., it is predominantly alkaline because alkaline doesn’t encourage the growth of pathogens or the like. 

Thoughts and diet manage your health. People with positive thoughts stay away from doubt, which transmutes to worry, fear, then, eventually, anxiety. 

Fear and anxiety create tension in your body, and in meeting the tension, your body creates more chemical acids, thus making your body acidic. Simply put, toxic thoughts poison your blood. 

People with a positive attitude block negative feelings with the thoughts that all things go well and this too, shall pass. In the end, they stay predominantly happy. 

The chemicals that are produced by your body in a positive mood keep you in an alkaline state. This is why you see people who are always happy tend to stay healthier because their body produces alkaline. 

We must remember that what we eat is synonymous with what eats us. We have to watch our thoughts, for they eat us slowly. The step in building a healthy mind that leads to a successful life is building balance in your thoughts. 

You have to be someone who takes experiences for what they are, understanding that there are no bad or good experiences, only what you make of them. 

Focus on what is possible and avoid unnecessary worry. We often worry about things we can’t change and miss out on the chance to work on the things within our control.  

Every time something bothers you and you reach a point of concern, you should take action. It is better than trying to mull over it and worrying. All the energy you spend on that pain and trying to avoid it can spend it doing the same work you try to avoid. 

Always remember, in balancing your health and trying to stay healthy, watch what eats you just as much as you watch what you eat. Diet alone doesn’t ensure robust health; your thoughts also determine your health. 

There are Six things you should look at when you want to keep a healthy body

1. Regular, appropriate exercise

Here, note the use of the word ‘appropriate’ because if you under-exercise, it is ineffective. If you over-exercise, it becomes a burden as you cause injury to yourself. 

What you should aim for is regular exercise that keeps your vitality and keeps your strength. Eventually, your body becomes a collaborator. It becomes a tool for your development. When you neglect your body, it becomes a weapon against you because you spend more time taking care of it than doing the job you ought to do. 

2. Regular, adequate Sleep 

This is mainly for young adults who spend less time sleeping. Sleeping is very crucial in the development of the body. Think of your body like a bank account. You are constantly depositing. A time will come when the sleepless nights, the caffeine, and the backlogs of lack of movement will catch up with you. 

So the earlier you start being sensitive to your sleeping pattern, the better it is for you. Because you are now forming a habit, you are giving the subconscious mind the responsibility of learning that habit. 

3. Moderate Food

Approach food the way you approach fueling a car. When fueling your car, you fill it with enough energy to get you to your destination. Consuming more food than your body needs means allowing the food to waste, but in this case, it rots away in your body, accumulating unnecessary fat. 

Moderation in food is a good thing. Equally, you should be moderate in sexual activities. Sexual energy is the most powerful when it comes to generating ideas. It’s nature’s creative tool, and that’s why people procreate through it. Thus, sex should be used in moderation, and its energy should be channeled toward our creativity. 

4. Balanced diet of Whole Foods

Intake of Whole Foods keeps you healthier than taking in processed foods. Processed foods are convenient, but they lose a lot of nutrients on the way. You find that you go for whole organic food at any given time when you have the choice between processed food and whole, organic food. 

The food you eat has an impact on the vibration of your thoughts. You find that people who eat organic food have a higher vibration than those who eat processed foods. 

5. Avoidance of gossip and slander

Before you project something out of yourself, you must have it within you. Gossip and slander is always aimed at hurting someone else, but to develop the vibrations capable of hurting others, you must have hurt yourself first. Thus, stay away from gossip and slander. 

An excessive amount of time is spent on these acts, and you can convert this into productive time by staying away. 

6. Avoidance of hate

When you look at the emotion called hate, it is something that you have to work every minute to fight against because people are going to do things to you and against you that would cause you pain. When you sit down to think about it, you find that you have no reason not to hate this person, but you choose to be the bigger person. 

To hate them, you first have to create that venom; thus, you do not do it for them but for yourself. 

How do you maintain good health even when tied down by work? 

Many people would say they do not have time to exercise. Most often, it boils down to some things. 

1. The will

Once you prioritize your health, you will see yourself taking actions that are consistent with your goals. 

2. Never have excuses

Excuses put you at a disadvantage, so you have to eliminate them. Everyone has 24 hours. It’s how you utilize yours that matters. Prioritize your health and see results from being healthy.

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