Purpose: The Guiding Star of My Life

The word “Purpose” can be one of life’s most beautiful words. The beauty in Purpose is finding and actualizing it. The journey of finding purpose is the starting point of knowing and discovering yourself. It is the path of knowing who you are and what you stand for.

I have always loved the idea of coaching and imparting knowledge, but to a large degree, I thought coaching was boxed up in the four corners of a classroom. 

I believed that being a coach implies that I had to become a teacher. Owing to this, I pursued a course in Education as I journeyed to become a teacher.

This notion however changed 3 years ago after I came to the realization that impacting people goes beyond teaching students in a classroom. It is more than being a subject teacher or class teacher.  I understood that I could do much more to impact lives and influence destinies. Then I saw how I could train and lead the younger generation to do things right and make the right career choices. 

My two avenues of choice are writing and teaching, which come to me naturally and with passion. Through my writing, I reach more people and hopefully impact a good number of persons.

Knowing my purpose gave me a picture of where I want to go. It has helped me know my desired destination, thus making it easy for me to define my own course. It has widened my understanding and helped me know the right way to seek knowledge and plan towards success. Knowing “my why” – my purpose – has helped me plan on how – map – my chart

Discovering this made me realize the importance of finding my purpose and how to help you find your purpose. I will be sharing a few reasons why you it is imperative that you find your purpose.


There are a lot of voices in this world; the busy activities of the world make it look as though you can do anything or be anything without being able to define your life’s purpose. There is great danger when you wander through life without a purpose. A man without purpose can be likened to a feather tossed around by every wind or wave – it stands at a great risk of being whisked away and never ever finding its bearing for it has no place it wants to go.

Purpose Defines your Destiny

Purpose helps you know where you want to go; it helps you set a destination. Having a destination helps you set a path to follow through. It helps you make proper choices on how or from whom to seek for guidance on where you want to go. It helps you map out a plan and how to achieve it. When you know your purpose, your life becomes more meaningful.

Purpose Motivates and Help You Stay Focused

Knowledge guides you on the right path. It helps keep your gaze on what is important. Just like a Writer won’t attend a culinary school to achieve her purpose, and a doctor won’t learn engineering works, purpose helps you focus. It becomes your driving force. It becomes your focus. It gives you a sense of direction that you follow through.

Purpose Helps You Live a Fulfilled Life 

When you build a career path along your purpose and vision, you feel meaningful and relevant. You will find your activities exiting. You will derive much pleasure from getting solutions to the marketplace and you will be paid for it.

Purposeful Life Is a Successful Life

Everyone wants a successful life. A lot of people define being successful as being wealthy. But wealth is just a part of success. Wealth is not success in its entirety. Success is the accomplishment of your aim or purpose. Success is an effect of actions you have taken. It is great to have wealth and riches, but true success comes from living a life of impact – a purposeful life.

The purpose of life is not just to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate. “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Goodreads

When you find your purpose, your life becomes meaningful, fulfilling and you get clarity on how to be most impactful. Now that you know why you need Purpose, do you know how to find purpose? My next article will be on how to find purpose.

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