Overcoming Fear of the Unknown: Affirming Belief

Ever found yourself unnecessarily anxious and scared? You have this chilled feeling all over you and you are suddenly scared. You don’t know what you fear. Then realization dawns and you discover that you dread uncertainty – you fear the unknown.

The fear of the unknown is also known as xenophobia, which has morphed in to being seen as fear of strangers. It is a constant feeling of anxiety and strange belief about things unfamiliar to you. The fear of change is also a fear of the unknown. This is because when experiencing change, sometimes you make scary discoveries. The fear of the unknown stands as a great hindrance to success.

This is because anyone who fears the unknown will find it hard to make life-changing decisions. This fear cuts deep and cripples your will to do something different. It breeds pessimistic thoughts. If you live with fear of the unknown, you are unlikely to fulfill your purpose.

Accepting and living with this fear means you are ready to live the rest of your life in your comfort zone. Breaking from the fear of the unknown is the first step to living your life to the fullest.

How can I overcome the fear of the unknown?

1. Accept your fears: One of the greatest mistakes you can make when dealing with fears is avoiding them or pretending that they do not exist. Accept your fears but do not let them control you.

2. Find the root of the fear: Every fear comes from past experiences and belief either consciously or unconsciously. The fear of the unknown springs up from negative thoughts, beliefs, and bad experiences. These could be your own experiences, or the experiences of people close to you. If you find the root, you can make the move forward.

3. Make plans to move forward: To move forward, you need to plan. Write a list of your fears as well as a list of your goals. See how your fears hinder you from pursuing your goals. Then question your fears, find your strength, and stick with it.

4. Seek help: The journey of overcoming the fear of the unknown may not be completed without the help of a professional. You may need to find a professional to guide you and help you.

5. Be open to change: Change is constant in life but often the fear of the unknown means you resist change, and this is because of the uncertainty that comes with change. Having a mind to change will open possibilities and illuminate the beauty of change. Then you can embrace change wholeheartedly.

Fear of the unknown has to be overcome for one to be successful

To be successful and impactful, you have to face your fears and be strong. This is not a call to be fearless rather this is a call to be afraid and do what you must do in spite of being afraid. Because it is when you face your fears that you will overcome them.

The royal connection to success is overcoming your fear of the unknown. Take these five tips to heart and work with them. Be open minded, think positively, and embrace change. Take that step out of your comfort zone and you will see great results.  I believe in you!!!

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