How to apply faith to overcome disbelief and succeed

Faith is a word many people are familiar with due to different religious beliefs and practices going around in the world. In the context of this article, Faith is your knowledge and belief in the universal power. 

Faith can be referred to as infinite intelligence because it involves believing beyond what you can physically see. Faith believes that a supreme being holds vital powers to the earth. 

Napoleon Hill stated, “Faith is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmations or repeated instructions to our subconscious mind, through the principle of autosuggestion. 

Applied Faith is quite simple. To apply Faith is to believe. Your belief determines your reality. Having Faith is not just believing in a supreme being but believing in yourself and your life.

Faith is powerful in success because it inspires people to believe in you. It’s a simple concept. Faith begets trust, confidence brings more confidence, and belief develops belief. 

You would have difficulty convincing people to Apply Faith; they must overcome disbelief. As much as the mind can achieve whatever it conceives, doubt and self-imposed limitations can block the flow of infinite intelligence hence the need to overcome disbelief. 

Here are five ways you can overcome disbelief and build your Faith.

Clear your mind of all negative thoughts

The first step to overcoming disbelief and building your Faith is to get rid of negative thoughts. Thoughts like poverty, disharmony, failure, and ill health negatively influence your growth and development. 

You are a product of what you think. Your mind is the only kingdom where you have total dominion. Cultivate positive thoughts.

Have a definite desire for the achievement of your purpose

To apply Faith, you must have a purpose. Applied Faith is not a vain belief. You must have set goals that will fuel your belief in success.

Create a definite plan for attaining that purpose

The place of planning cannot be overemphasized. Faith doesn’t do your work for you. Infinite intelligence removes the barriers and limitations on your mind concerning your purpose. Have a plan and work on the plan with the Faith that everything will go well. 

Begin to act on that plan consciously

Once the plan is in place, act on it. Do not worry or doubt. Once you are sure of the plan, act on it. Leave no room for doubt or unbelief. 

If your plan needs people, work to gain their cooperation. If it needs capital, you must seek it to the best of your ability. Act on your plans. 

Applied Faith will not do the work for you. Faith doesn’t take away the place of work. Applied Faith helps you know that everything will work for your good. 

Applied Faith allows you to take new steps, experience new opportunities, and grow. You don’t take risks when you know you will fail. You take risks and invest in what you would profit from. 

When you apply Faith, you gain the courage to commit to your ideas and make sacrifices for them because you believe they will succeed.

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