My Purpose: The Calling of Chenda Gituku

If you would have thrown this life-striking question at me a few years back my response would have been “live and die”. Simply because what else is there to enunciate, when you feel as if there is nothing within you, that’s predestined innately to connect you with your life force.

What is Purpose?

The purpose is who you are, it’s what gives you the sedulous vibration to lift your feet out of a tiny bed on a gloomy despondent morning; it’s the juxtaposition between your anxiety-driven thoughts and the futuristic elixir of a reality that awaits… It is the preeminent quivering within your soul, that lights the emblems of a holistic life.

The purpose is my name, the purpose is my talk, the purpose is my mosaic, the purpose is my words, the purpose is my soul, the purpose is my love, the purpose is my art, the purpose is Chenda Wangu. A name customed through the fine arts of rich cultural idiosyncrasies and electrolytes, given to me by women and from women who have adoringly come before me, allying me to the cultural savants in ways of the mind, emotions, and soul.

And so over these past few years, as I realigned with the pénte pinnacles of my being, my emotional aura, my social body, my spiritual intermission, my intellectual DNA, and my physical demeanor and design, I breathed life to my purpose.

My Purpose?

The eclipse of these five moon’s shone through my love and art, directly beaming into my purpose. I give love wholeheartedly through service (purpose is conjoined to what you love or who you love or how you love).  I dance, I write, I sing, I draw – talk about being multifaceted. All these gifts of divinity and ethereal templates are channels of service within my art.

Service requires an immense depth of capabilities, humility, compartmentalization, a channel of selflessness, open-mindedness and mainly a VOICE, with this understanding I want nothing else but to be of service, regarding my art, for myself and greatly to the voices, dreams, and minds of my generation.

And I know my elysian purpose is SERVICE. Through this clarity of intent, everything else will fit into the sun-kissed jigsaw puzzle called divine alignment.

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