What are the first things we say to ourselves? I don’t have enough; I’m broke, I can’t make it, I’m not enough, and I’m incapable of it. I’m sure we can all relate or remember the few or many times we have said these negative things knowingly and sometimes unknowingly.
Did you know that it’s only a matter of time before those things become visible expressions? Your thoughts become words, and those words become things. Your world and your life are your consciousness objectified. The reality may not be what you desire, but with time, things get better.
Remember, life is what we make it. What does this mean? It means that you are responsible for your results in life. Someone once said, “If life gives you lemons, squeeze and make a lemonade.” Yes, make the best out of challenging situations.
By taking great action and believing in yourself, you can have anything that you want in life. You can control your positive and negative thoughts. If we decree negative things over our lives, that’s what it will be.
Your present life is a result of all the choices you have made. The good and bad, all those led you to where you are now. The more aware you are of the words you speak over your life, you can start to change the impression within you magically, and soon that will manifest on the outside.
Different stresses and frustrations about life weigh us down, and it is very easy to give up and forget that life is what we make it. That’s why the decisions of life are entirely up to us. We can either choose to wake up and create our happiness or sleep and make our lives miserable.
What happens to us in life is not important. It is how we perceive, react and handle it that matters. The key to life is determining your thoughts, believing in yourself and following a path in life that will give you the rewards that you so deserve.
Believe that you were created for all the goodness this life has to offer. Say yes to different opportunities and be ready to learn about them even though you are not good at them. That is the only way to ensure you grow. Ask around for help whenever you need it, and do not be ashamed to say, ‘I don’t know.’ What you don’t know won’t hurt you.
There is nothing wrong with dreaming big. Manifest what you want in your life because what you can see, feel and want will find its way into your life. Have a clear vision of what you want, set a clear plan and go for it. You will be amazed at how good of a life you can make it.
Take control of your life and be keen to make the best out of it.