Kenyan Comedians Cracking Ribs And Attracting Millions Of Views On TikTok

Kenyans love to laugh, and as a result, local comedy hashtags on TikTok have managed to amass over 814 million views on the platform. These high views are due to relatable comedy and showcasing the day-to-day lives of Kenyans along with events across Africa. These growing hashtags include #kenyancomedy,  #kenyacomedy and #comedykenya are evidence of the incredible comedic talents of local creators.

As a platform dedicated to inspiring creativity and spreading joy, TikTok has seen a significant rise in new-age comedy content creators locally, some of whom previously had not even known they had a talent for creating humour. These creators bring laughter to their real-life stories, family and different cultural experiences on the platform. Furthermore, they welcome the community to a new world of laughter, content creation and positive vibes.

Here are some of Kenya’s finest comedians on TikTok that you can count on to tickle your funny bone:


With a last name like Tickle, you’re sure to laugh out loud in all his videos. Vick affirms in one of his videos that being on TikTok has allowed him to grow as a person. He ventured on the platform to beat loneliness and inspire others. His huge following of more than 2 million is a big testament.

Here are some of his videos that have gained millions of views:


Crazy Kennar is a self-proclaimed ‘Content Cartel’ and Kenya’s funniest vine and parody content creator. Previously a narrator in school drama productions, he has risen fast to introduce a new way of delivering funny narratives that are relatable to daily events in life. See his content here:

Official kinuthia

You will most often mistake him for a woman, but Kinuthia is a man helping change the face of comedy and notions that women are not ‘seriously’ funny comedians. His entertainment gear is all-female from hair to make-up and his skits showcase relatable funny things African moms and young ladies do in daily life.

Here are some of his videos:


Valentine is a budding artist and takes comedy to another level. She unleashes the huge potential of comedy in local languages to serve a bigger and diverse audience.

Here are some of her videos:

Cartoon Comedian

This young comedian rose to stardom during the pandemic through a popular quote “inaniaffect, inanisuffocate”, which in slang is translated to “It’s affecting and suffocating me”. Now, these lines have inspired many local musicians and have been included in their songs leaving Kenyans in stitches as they sing along. Take a look at some of her videos here:

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