It’s Not About How Much We Have but How Much We Enjoy It

Are you waiting until you have more to enjoy life? Someone once asked, “People are busy desiring and wanting what others have but would that make you feel like them if you got what they had? That got me thinking for a minute. 

Different things strike different feelings for different people. What I have perhaps makes me feel a certain way but to another person, it might make them feel different. 

When will we ever stop basing our happiness on the material things we see people having and the lives we see them living? We often chase after things not because we need them but because we feel we should have them. Why? Because other people have them. That’s why we collectively buy things we don’t need to prove to people or get approval from them. 

Why not get things that we need or things that will make us feel special in our own way? It is very human for people to desire more but to desire things we need. If you look around, many people pursue happiness in the wrong way. It’s not wrong to desire or admire a certain lifestyle, but to what limit do you regulate your frustrations when you can’t get what you want? 

What most people have done is compare their life to that of other people. They want this or that because so and so has it. Many of us assume that we need time, money and wealth to be happy. How do we show appreciation for the little we have and make sure we enjoy it?

How can you enjoy what you have starting today?                                                                                        

Make time to relax and reconnect with yourself.

Through this, you’ll realize and appreciate the blessings you already have. You will also have time to enjoy the little efforts that have acquired you the little you have.

Keep a wish list of the things you want to achieve.

This will help you work and live within your means, and you will no longer be swayed by things that are not part of your plan.

Ensure healthy friendship circles.

Instead of having people who get from you, you will have people who have a growth mindset and will help you multiply what you already have. Expanding your support system gives you more resources to get through tough times and enjoy life.

Focus on yourself.

It is very easy for people to control your life by sharing their different opinions and advice on what they think life should be. Take full control of your life. Let you be your first priority.

Try new things

Commit to trying new things like travelling the world to get different exposures. Spend your money and time exploring the world. This is also a form of self-care, a way also to appreciate yourself.

Finally, always show gratitude for what is and is not.

Being grateful daily makes you focus on what is good in your life. By focusing on gratitude, we place ourselves in the moment and can see just how much good we’ve got going for us.

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