If You Learn from Failure, You Haven’t Really Lost

We have all come in contact with failure in one way or another. Looking back to when we were in school, it was such a crime to fail in exams because we were raised knowing that if we did not do well in school, it meant we had failed. 

I remember particularly in my school, those who didn’t do well were called out and embarrassed in front of other students, and the principal’s words were; “these are the ones failing us”. As a matter of fact, in the letter grading system, the letter F was used to stand for failure. This shows how society has shaped our thinking regarding failure as detrimental to our success. 

Society doesn’t or has never rewarded defeat, and that’s why many people define their lives over their past failures, which causes them to give up early. We are so focused on not failing that we don’t aim for success anymore.

Failing is a Natural Process

As much as we like to win and be successful, we are all prone to making mistakes. Failing is a natural, necessary process, and some failures must be experienced first-hand for us to live and learn what works best and what doesn’t. 

In today’s time, with the pandemic sweeping away most businesses, businessmen and women did not shy away from the risks and failures, but instead, they embraced them. This remains true for personal goals and aspirations. 

Individuals can achieve the impossible if they slowly ease into a fearless mindset knowing that to achieve any worthy goal, they must take risks and beat fear. Of course, the risks you take must be reputable. Not to say that we should all take up uncalculated risks to succeed. 

Here Are 5 Tips on How You Can Beat a Failure Mindset

1. Always take note of the lessons when you have encountered a failure. Remember mistakes are part of the journey, make sure you learn from them to avoid making them again.

2. Maintain a positive attitude. Always keep a positive attitude when it comes to learning from others. This could be people who have encountered the same experience or people who know better.

3. Access your strengths and weakness and intentionally choose to make them stronger.

4. Ease yourself into a fearless mindset. Take up risks but make sure the goals are worth the risks involved.

5. Keep the company of friends and family sharing the same mindset.

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