How to use Mastermind Principle to Lead a Successful Life

A mastermind is the accumulation of several brilliant minds, which, when joined together, produce astonishing results. 

It is joining together different minds with diverse capacities to form a mastery.

A mastermind is formed when two or more people work together in perfect harmony.

Benefits of forming a mastermind

There are numerous benefits to building your mastermind group.

  1. You will, over time, build a high-powered thinking group
  2. You would share challenges and wins with the group.
  3. You will find it easier to collaborate on worthy causes.
  4. You develop your accountability.
  5. You can build meaningful and value-filled relationships with your mastermind.

Six traits you should look for when building a Mastermind

The Trait of Loyalty

Loyalty is a very crucial trait to look out for when forming a mastermind. Ask yourself, (you can get an external opinion too) “Is this person Loyal?” 

Can they be loyal to the course we are working on? Would this person stick to the course even in the long run?

A loyal person in a mastermind is someone who firmly believes in the course and would give his all to making the cause a reality.

Are they dependable?

The extent to which a person is dependable determines the results you can accomplish working with that person. If a person is reliable, you will find that you can rest assured giving them tasks and know full well that they will accomplish them.


This should be a priority when building a mastermind alliance. Look out for individuals who are well equipped to carry out the job.  

If the individual is not competent enough, they will limit the growth of others. Thus, it’s best to include capable people in your mastermind.


This is not religious or spiritual faith. The person you want to bring on board should believe strongly in the cause or project you want to achieve. 

If not, how can they give their very best to a cause or project they don’t fully believe in.

Zeal (Zealous)

The individual you intend to bring in should be zealous about the project or cause. The person should be willing to go the extra mile. They should be ready to do more than is asked of them.


The principle of having a positive mindset should apply when picking an Individual for the mastermind. The individual’s optimism will go a long way in determining if they would be a great addition to the company. 

Equally, a positive thinking individual will quickly spot opportunities to advance the cause. So, pick positive-minded individuals.

If you are a young person starting your Mastermind Alliance, you should:

Know exactly what you want in life

Knowing exactly what you want will help you attract the right people to your life. This will make you very particular about the type of individuals you want in your mastermind alliance.

Be honest to yourself and your alliance

Don’t lie to your alliances. Honesty is the best policy to adopt here. Let them know the actual state of things. Let them know the strategies to be used in achieving results. Show them that you trust them enough.

Each mastermind should complement the other

Your goal should not just be to gather a group of similar-minded people; you should gather people who complement each other in strength.

Over the years, I have discovered that every successful person who managed to rise above mediocrity did so by forming a mastermind alliance with friends, mentors and sponsors.

So, pick the members of your mastermind alliance carefully.

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