Making provisions to protect your mental health is as important as investing in your business. According to a study, 72% of entrepreneurs are affected by mental health issues, whether directly or indirectly.  The study also made the following discoveries about entrepreneurs;

Entrepreneurs have a 30% increased risk of experiencing depression, 11% increased risk of being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, 29% increased risk of suffering from ADHD, and a 12% increased chance of dealing with substance abuse.

These statistics show how difficult and demanding the life of an entrepreneur can be. Therefore, finding solutions to challenges that frequently arise from entrepreneurship, such as persistent stress, can be critical to maintaining your mental health and wellbeing. Investing in strategies that help protect your mental health can lower your chances of burnout at work and benefit you in the long run.


Get started on an exercise routine

Everyone knows that exercise is essential for maintaining and improving our physical health. However, the advantages of exercise extend beyond the body. Numerous studies have demonstrated that exercise promotes mental health by lowering depression, anxiety, and negative moods and increasing self-esteem. Furthermore, these advantages can be obtained with as little as 30 minutes of moderate exercise.

Finding a method to get in 30 minutes of exercise per day, in whatever way you can, will not only prevent mental health concerns but will also enhance your overall health.

Start a creative hobby that is not related to your work

The truth is that your business is not a pastime. Even though you enjoy working so much, you should have other creative outlets completely aside from work so that you have some escape channel when things get tough.

Research has shown that engaging in fun leisure activities lowers cortisol (the stress hormone) and blood pressure.

Clearly, the benefits of spending those few minutes doing something you enjoy outweigh the potential cost of not working in those minutes.

Working when not in a good place mentally might hinder your productivity by an average of 77%, according to a study.  I can attest to this. My productivity levels are always at their lowest when I am not in a good place. I have therefore taken to exercise and a creative hobby to help protect my mental health.

Surround yourself with good people:

People with strong social or family ties are often healthier than those who do not have a support network. Make time for fun hangouts with supportive friends and family, or look for fun activities that will enable you to meet new people, such as a dance or cooking class or a support group for entrepreneurs.

Research has shown that a sense of togetherness is vital for psychological well-being, as occupational loneliness leads to burnout. Maintaining a social life as an entrepreneur, while it may appear to be secondary to business, is not a choice – it is a requirement.

What other ways do you believe entrepreneurs can employ in protecting their mental health? Please state them in the comment section.

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