How To Prevent Breast Cancer

There is no major way to prevent breast cancer, as the chances of it developing increase with age. However, a person can significantly reduce their risks of contracting the disease by being aware of the risk factors, going for breast cancer screening from age 40, and practicing a healthy lifestyle.

This article will look at the risk factors of breast cancer and ways to prevent it.

Risk factors of breast cancer

The following factors point to the probability of cancer developing. However, some of these factors can be avoided with lifestyle practices.

Age: The older one gets, the higher the chances of developing breast cancer.

Personal history: Having a previous breast cancer diagnosis increases the risk of cancer re-occurrence in the individual.

Family history: Having a close relative with breast cancer can double a woman’s risk of the disease. That close relative could be a daughter, a sister, or a mother

Dense tissue: Women with dense breast tissue possess a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Race: White women possess a higher risk of having breast cancer, but black women are more susceptible to having aggressive breast tumors, according to a study.                                     

Being obese or overweight can increase the risk of breast cancer.

Breastfeeding your child for one and a half to two years might help slightly lower the chance of having breast cancer.

Drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer, and the risk seems to be proportional to the amount of alcohol consumed. Women who drink moderate to high levels of alcohol have a greater risk than women who drink less.

Radiation exposure: Undergoing radiation treatment for any other type of cancer may increase the likelihood of having breast cancer later in life.

Hormone treatments: some studies have shown that the use of oral contraceptives can slightly increase one’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Genetic risk factors: The most common causes of breast cancer are mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, the genes for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Inheriting a mutated gene from a parent significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

How to Prevent Breast Cancer

Here are some steps a person can take to reduce their risk of breast cancer significantly:

  • People who drink should limit their alcohol consumption
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, with a healthy diet that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain healthy body weight.

For people who have been identified to be at a high risk of developing cancer, preventive surgery is an option for them, where they can have one or both breasts removed. 

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