How to Calm Your Mind and Make the Right Decisions

Have you ever wanted to decide and found yourself plagued with these thoughts? What if I fail, or all goes wrong? Or you can’t find the peace you need to make the decision, and you find yourself overthinking what could go wrong and how everything can go wrong.
Don’t panic!!! You are not alone.
Decision-making is one of the hardest things to do, especially when you are about to make significant decisions that can change or inform the direction of your life journey that will lead to fulfilling your purpose. It is therefore normal to spend time thinking about it and weighing your options to ensure you are making the right decision.
Overthinking when making a decision happens when you allow constant worry and fears to overcome you. It promotes negative thoughts and clouded judgment in decision-making. Overthinking can cause weak-decision and can cause health challenges.

How to Overcome Overthinking in Decision Making

If you find yourself overthinking, here are some ways to calm yourself and overcome the syndrome of overthinking.

Ask yourself questions about why you overthink

The most critical aspect of controlling your thought process and overcoming ‘overthinking’ is finding out why you overthink things. Observe your thoughts and process them; then, you will know what is causing you to overthink and determine ways to fix that. Through this, you will be in charge of your thoughts.


Meditating gives you a sense of control over your thoughts and feelings. In the place of meditation, you accept the feelings that ‘overthinking’ stirs up in you, and you can direct your thoughts towards a more productive though-pattern.

Write down your thoughts

Getting those thoughts out of your head and down on paper by writing them in a journal or notepad can also help you conquer overthinking. One good thing you gain from writing down your thoughts is that you’ll likely notice counterthoughts arising.
Your thoughts slow down to match your writing speed, and you’ll find it easier to snap out of your overthinking mindset when writing those thoughts down. The process of you writing those thoughts down helps release them from your mind

Reflect and Brainstorm

You can clearly see unproductive thoughts by reflecting and brainstorming on things you overthink. From this, you can change the view of “I can’t believe this happened again” to “What are my other options with this experience?
The resultant effect of this is to break yourself out of the destructive pattern of overthinking the situation. It gives your brain a real problem to solve and lets it think about that for a while; then, the solution is be birthed.

Enjoy a Break

Another good way to stop overthinking is to distract yourself by taking a break. The moment you become aware that you’re thinking about the same thing repeatedly, do something else at that instance. Call a Friend, watch an exciting movie, play an engaging video game, just anything that will get your mind into doing something else.

Talk to Someone

Your friends, family, or acquaintances can quickly help you overcome the overthinking syndrome; this can only happen if they know you’re struggling.
Be open and let them know that you’re second-guessing every decision and after that, seek their help in gaining better control over your thoughts by pointing out when they notice you ruminating over done cases.

Trust Yourself

What you repeatedly say to yourself and how you often describe yourself make up for what you come to believe and be. This is one vital importance of you trusting yourself. When overthinking, stop and take out your notepad and jot down 3-5 things that were done over the past week and note your role in them. Doing this will help you build trust in yourself always to remain a success and do away with that fear that has been causing you to overthink

Conclusively, you need to realize that your thoughts can also destroy you as much as they can save you. You’ll be happier, more rested, and positively influence those around you when you discover how to stop overthinking and live in the moment. Never forget that life happens for man, not to man. So, stop overthinking and enjoy life as it comes.

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