How to build the art of creative vision and reap its rewards

We can look at creative vision from many angles, historically and from the perspective of organizations thriving at the moment.

Let’s take a look at the vision Bill gates had for Microsoft. Many years later, in an interview, someone asked him, ‘What do you think is the thing you can attribute massive success to, i. e what differentiates massive failure from success? And he said, ‘The depth of the vision.’

Everyone has a different perception of vision as far as depth is concerned. This is why when you give two different people the same opportunities or seed; they make two different decisions.

For instance, when different people are given groundnut seeds, one person may eat the seeds, the other may share among their friends, another may lose the seeds, and another may plant his seeds. Same opportunity was given, but different decisions were made.

The depth of vision depends on how you, as an individual, train your mind. How far are you willing to see it? How far are you willing to go? And it starts from the step of being present in the moment.

Then ask questions, ‘How do we get to the next step, and how can what we have now take us to the next step?’ That will trigger your change of focus.

You will begin to dig deeper and enter the isolation stage, where you separate what you want from what you don’t want. As you go further down, you can see, as a creative person, the opportunities that arise out of what you see.

Further down, you move to the creative stage where you can create the opportunities yourself, influence the market, and the consumers, then create new opportunities for yourself.

To have a substantive depth of vision is to be successful. Because the deeper you can see, the more you can focus on it. If you can bring all your collective energy to one thing, you can create more.

What are some of the benefits that come with creative vision?

Strategic Thinking:

The moment you master creative vision, you become a strategic thinker. Do note that you can be creative, but you won’t have a vision because you need a clear goal you are pursuing.

Once you develop a creative vision, strategic thinking becomes easier because you put all your thoughts into meaningful reflection and determine the path you want to go step by step.

You have the finished dream imprinted in your mind with the creative vision. So what you are doing is that you are transferring this image from your mind into things.

Consistent Exploration of Ideas:

Once you have the vision, you evade enslavement from the processes you must go through to achieve the vision because you have the bigger dream. You don’t get tied to your vanity. You know that what you are going through is a step, a process to what you truly want to achieve. So the question becomes, ‘can I stay the course until I achieve what I want?’

Clarity of Target:

If you want to produce a system that can help people move from one point to another, or you have the target that at the end of 10 years or 20 to have educated or influenced people, you will find that anytime you wake up, the goal is apparent in your mind.

At Success Afrika, we aim to approach the wrong narratives placed in the minds of Africans, change them with the correct narratives, and ensure that the proper knowledge wins as we organize knowledge, resources, and capital.

This is an apparent goal. We are not fighting any war except the war fought in the mind, by the mind. Thus, to know you have established a goal, it has to be very simple and well-established.

Increased Luck:

You find that you become lucky. Through observation, many successful people, to a large extent, attribute their success to luck. When you see a fortunate person, everything they touch turns to gold.

Luck is real and only practical when you can create your own. People create luck by always being prepared. When you find someone’s vision always aligned with their goal and that they seek the best way to carry out their goals, often, opportunities find them. Through that, you know that luck is when opportunities meet preparedness. People with creative visions always get lucky.

Better Advancement:

When someone is creative, be it on a job or doing their own private business, they are more prone to seeing opportunities than someone who is just there to make a living.

Their focus and concentration are different. As you will realize, you can never maneuver to the top. The top is reserved for people who deliberately climb and have a burning desire to reach the pinnacle. You will find (conditions and circumstances notwithstanding) people with a clear vision have a better chance of getting there.

How can young people develop the art of creative vision?

Creative vision is something that one can learn. It’s an art/craft you can learn.

Step one: Definiteness of Purpose.

Any young person willing to learn the art of creative vision must first discover who he wants to be, even before realizing what he wants to be. Who do you want to become? What is the purpose you want to achieve?

Step Two: Concentration of Efforts

At this stage, you should start concentrating the totality of your efforts on attaining your goal. Your mind goes from asking, ‘can it be done?’ to ‘how can it be done?’

Step Three: Take action

Now is the time to take action on your goals. Don’t hesitate to take action.

The thing about creativity is that it is everything. Everything we can see and touch all stems from the creativity of different individuals. If it doesn’t occur naturally, it is out of man’s creative process. Every young person needs to understand that their best asset is their creative mind, and once they start to harness its powers, it becomes easier to see and create opportunities.

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