How to Build a Saving Culture and Achieve Financial Freedom

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How to Build a Saving Culture Leading to Financial Freedom
By Oreoluwa Eminence Ojo

How to Build a Saving Culture Leading to Financial Freedom

Many people wish to save and imbibe a saving culture, but only a few have a culture of saving because they claim they don’t make enough money to save and have bills to pay. 

The first rule to building wealth is to save a certain percentage of your income, making it significant for every man. Saving is the way to prepare for a rainy day and the future; it is important to cultivate a good saving culture early in life. 

One mistake many people make is that they believe that before they can save, they must be raking in millions as income. This belief can’t be any further from the truth because money can never be enough to satisfy all humans want.  

There is nothing like having enough money to save. Saving and having a saving culture comes from discipline and priority. You save because you have a goal and are disciplined to keep a percentage of your income. This discipline is called the saving culture.

Sadly, many people wish to save, but only a few do. 

Here are ways you can build and increase your saving culture as an individual;

Have a well-prepared budget 

To build a saving culture, you must be financially intelligent. The first step to having financial wisdom is making prudent financial plans. You must be able to plan your monthly expenses. This would help you cut off excesses in your spending and also help you be intentional about your spending and savings.

Have a saving goal

A goalless man is a man without directions. One way to build consistency in savings is by setting a realistic saving goal. This will keep you disciplined in your saying. You can follow these steps to establish a saving goal.

• Determine the amount you want to save.

• Set the time you would like to achieve your saving goal.

• Make a plan to save it.

If you plan to save #500000 in two years, you can set out to save #21000 every month. This would help you approach savings with motivation and a goal. When you are tired of saving, always keep your goals in mind. This will make your saving journey a sweet one.

Automate your savings

One of the best ways to maintain consistency in saving is by setting up an automated system. Responsibilities never reduce, so you may run out of money before you set aside your savings. This is why it is vital to set up a saving account and have your savings automatically deducted from your account. This will help your money to grow and make it impossible to spend your savings until they reach maturity. You can do this by opening a savings account with platforms like piggyvest, microvest, and kuda bank.

Evaluate and monitor your expenses

It would be best if you began tracking and evaluating your expenses when saving. Please determine what you spend most of your income on. It could be your gym subscription or dates with friends – monitoring your costs helps you adjust your spending habits. It would help you save more money.

It is important to note that developing a saving culture goes way beyond wishing you could save. It is about taking action and starting to save immediately. Know that no matter how much your income is, there is always something fighting for your resources. If you are not deliberate about saving, you will never save anything. Make saving your priority and develop the saving culture now.

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