How to avoid feeling overwhelmed by your goals

We are gradually advancing into the year 2022 and most people if not all are motivated to get started on their goals. There are lots of things to be done ranging from starting that business, getting that business upgrade master class certificate, learning that professional skill, studying – focusing on growth and development.

With a lot to be done, it always seems like 24hours are not enough for execution hence the need to multitask. All this comes with a lot of pressure and sooner or later you start feeling overwhelmed and sad. You even get to a point of thinking yourself to be lazy, for you feel you aren’t doing enough. This gets us into competition with those we feel are working better than us.

It is important to learn how to avoid getting overwhelmed. This will help you get all important stuff done and lead you towards achieving your goals while keeping a sane mental state.

Here are a few ways to do so much yet avoid feeling overwhelmed.

1. Think Positively

Rather than focusing on the numerous tasks ahead of you, find the positive angle to every situation. If you are preparing for an exam, be happy that you got a chance to improve yourself. Take every task as an opportunity for you to improve or perfect your skills. Do not view it as a mountain you can’t overcome but as a climbing experience filled with immense lessons for you.

2. Take a break where need be

Most times the feeling of being overwhelmed comes when we ignore our bodies numerous warning signs. When you are feeling tired and your shoulder are getting droopy,  that’s a sign to take a break. You can take a quick walk to clear your head or just stretch and encourage yourself. After this, you can keep working.

3. Don’t try so hard to multitask. Focus on the task ahead

Once you are in a state of mind to work on your goals, ask yourself this question; “What am I working on now? What is the most important thing to do now? The answer to this is your next step. While multitasking is great, putting your actions into steps helps you work without putting the pressure on you.

4. Take action

Once you know your next step, it is time to take action. Focus on your step and back it up with actions. Move in the direction of achieving your goals.

5.  Accept what you can’t control

After writing an examination, will worrying about it change the outcome? I am sure the answer to this question is No. If you want to change or control a result in your life, you can only do that through proper planning and taking the right actions. Once these has been done, there is no point worrying about the outcome. Accept that you have done your best and await the outcome.

6. Stop comparing yourself to others

To stop feeling overwhelmed, you have to stop comparing yourself to other people.

When you judge yourself using other people’s standards, you end up not being fair to yourself. This is because you will always find yourself coming up short or overworking yourself to be better than other people.

This doesn’t mean that you should not try to be better. Just to let you know, your journey is yours and yours alone. Strive to be better than the previous version of yourself and base your priorities on your personal success and not other people’s journey.

Be yourself, work at your own pace, trust the process and own your journey. Identify the things that frustrate you, and find a way to overcome them. That is how you win.

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