How the Right Relationships are Vital Keys to your Success

Relationships are among the biggest keys to the success of every man that has walked on the surface of the earth. There is this popular saying that I have heard since childhood “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are”. This saying only proves that the people around you are proof of how strong you are. This is why, as a success-driven Individual, you must surround yourself with like-minded professionals who can help you level up on your career.

How to Build Relationships and Network with People?


Volunteering for a cause you are passionate about is an excellent way to network and build relationships. This is a great way to meet and connect with valuable people in your line of work and interests.
Find a company or organization that aligns with your values and passion and volunteer. While you are there, get to know everybody and engage the staff in meaningful conversations. Discuss with them and build relationships with them. This is a vital way to network with people in your field.

Social Media

Social media is one of the best ways to build a great network. From the comfort of your house, with just your phone, you could connect with people worldwide. The best way to network on social media is to send a direct message to someone who catches your eyes and whose values align with yours. You could also follow the trends in your field by following the influencers and leaders in the field. Social media is also crucial because you can increase your visibility and your chances of networking by being active on social media. Be open and ready to reach out to anyone on social media regardless of their levels.

Attend Networking Event

Social media is a great platform to meet people and network. A physical networking meeting is also a great place to meet people. Events like Tedx, Conferences and Summit are significant events to meet with value-filled people who will be relevant in your area of specialization.

Find a good mentor

Choosing a mentor is a vital decision. Finding a good mentor would help your network. Your mentor would introduce you to the connections you need to have in their circle. A mentor would also guide you on the right person to network with, the best networking events for you, and the right organization to volunteer at.

Start the conversation

Networking can happen anywhere, and this is why you must know how to start a conversation. Know the right questions to ask and keep the conversation going. Ask open-ended questions and get to know the person more.
This would help you potentially know your ability to work together in the future.

Networking is not just about building relationships that will fast-track your growth. It is about the people involved too. Please get to know them and find out what you can do for them. Build trust and stability with these people. No one would recommend a stranger for a job, so do your best.

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