How the Power of Cosmic Habit Force Helps You Go Far in Life

Things don’t change or become better by occurrence but through habits. We must first change our routines before we can change our beings.

Cosmic Habit Force is nature’s way, which takes every habit you form by thought or action and then makes it permanent. There is this quote that says, ‘you make your habits, and then your habits make you.’

You create your habits, and then nature makes them permanent. How does this happen?

Anytime you do something, a new neural pathway is formed. Every time you try something new, a new neural network is created.

A neural pathway is so strong it’s so developed that you don’t even need the motivation to do what you are doing. You don’t even need to think about what you are doing. That is why bad habits like addiction to gambling and cigarettes come naturally to the addict because that has become their way. It is totally imprinted on them.

And now, with this kind of knowledge, you can take a good habit that leads you to your goal and makes it permanent so that when you take action toward your goal, those habits lead you there. 

The good thing about the habit is that it becomes effortless and natural, so it occurs by itself. Human beings are gifted with intellect. Our intelligence is a little different from the intelligence of other animals and living things. For example, when you look at ants, they have been studying the seasons and the climate over the ages. 

When it is going to rain, ants can tell. And then what do they do? They stock up on food. They dig burrows so they stay warm to survive the cold. They open themselves when it’s warm and productive.

Humans have similar abilities to react, but theirs is superior. We carry our weather with us. We provide our heating system when it’s too cold and cooling systems when it’s too hot. 

What we do as human beings with the habit we form determines if we will be rich or poor, sick or healthy, successful or unsuccessful because it is always a matter of choice.

Cosmic habit force is a bridge between nature and nurture because they are inherently within us. Our DNA is passed through generations, but things within us are passed down through nature. How have we been nurtured and conditioned?

Cosmic habit force subjects every living thing to its environment. This includes humans. As much as we are subjected to our environment, the advantage we have as human beings is that we can recreate our environment by choice of places we live, friends we keep, and vocations we undertake.

So we are at a mighty advantage in terms of things we can do and achieve as human beings. This is because we master the environment.

One crucial thing to understand about cosmic habit force is that it is what thoughts and patterns create for us. Our thought habits and action habits eventually make the results that we get. I love this quote, ‘Action and thoughts are very liberal, but consequences are very stubborn.’

The fusion between nature and nurture out of habits determines who you become. Understanding Cosmic habit force is one of the things that sets you free in this sense because you take full responsibility for everything that happens to you. 

Facts about the Cosmic Habit Force

Each one of us is self-made. 

God created us, and we make our reality, but only the successful care to admit it. The unsuccessful will tell you that theirs is because of misfortune, bad luck, the environment, the government, taxes, etc. 

The power is within you.

The power is within me because habit is one of the most enslaving things in life. Once you know that habit is enslaving and you become helpless against the habit you have formed, you become conscious about what type of habits you want to form. And it starts with taking full responsibility and saying, ‘the power is within me. Everything I want would come from within. Every capability I want would come from within. 

We are all subject to the law of cosmic habit force.

It doesn’t matter how microscopic an organism or an object is. The thing that holds everything in place, including your thoughts and emotions, is Cosmic habit force. 

The pattern of thoughts and habits you have created tells us that everything is held in its custom place using cosmic habit force from the minute spinning electrons to the supernovas and spinning galaxies. 

Once you understand the pattern, it becomes easier to position your thoughts and habits in a certain way and follow through with it. Once you are in the rhythm, you can follow through easily.

People who form good habits will attract more good habits.

People who form good habits will find it easier to attract similar good habits. People who develop bad habits will find it easier to attract bad habits—the law of attraction. For example, someone who exercises is likelier to adopt healthy eating habits. Someone who drinks is more likely to adopt a smoking habit.

If you increase your awareness, you become intentional about good.

When you increase your awareness, you find that you are not drifting. You are intentional about the habit you build for yourself. You start asking questions. How is this going to help me become a better person? How is this going to help me produce the results I want? How will this guide me toward my goals? 

So you discover that it is harder for you to form bad habits that tear people down. Instead, you create habits that help you build others up.

Each habit has a price.

Each habit has a price. The difference is that you will either pay the price as you form the habit or pay it as you leave it because Good habits require the price. 

If you have to go for a workout instead of a drink in the evening, that shows you are paying the price. If you don’t pay the price initially, you will realize that you will pay the price as you leave the habit.

How to build good habits?

You have to consciously understand what your goals are. You have to be clear and concise as to the goals you want.

The next thing to ask yourself is how do you achieve this goal? How do you achieve what you set your mind on? Develop strategies, determine the plans that will best take you there, and take an honest evaluation of your current routine.

You can have the best ideas and techniques, but everything depends on habits becoming a reality.

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