How to Change Your Life with Small Daily Positive Habits

Have you ever thought about the saying “little drop of water makes a mighty ocean,” and you keep wondering how that is possible? It might seem funny when one day, you look at yourself and see how tall you have grown and wonder how and when you grew that much. All this is the power of the cumulative or compound effect.

What is the compound effect?

The cumulative or compound effect is the process of creating a big change or getting great rewards from little consistent actions.

I have been familiar with the concept of the cumulative effect for a while, but it became clearer to me when my kitchen flooded last weekend. What started as a leak in the kitchen pipe became bigger until there was so much water in the kitchen that I had to spend over three hours cleaning it.

This experience taught me the power of consistency in little things. The consistency of the drop of water from my kitchen sink resulted in a flood in the kitchen.

Again, I put it to you, the only way the little drops of water would make an ocean is through consistent dropping. As long as the little drops of water are consistent, it would become an ocean.

The same concept applies to life and growth; over time, habits accumulate. This is why consistently practicing certain positive habits can change your life forever. These habits can create massive results when practiced constantly.

The cumulative effect is centered on the power of the small and the little habits you perform and the results it would birth.

James Clear said in his book Atomic Habits that ” Making a choice that is 1% better or 1% worse seems insignificant at the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime, these choices determine the difference between who you are and who you can be. Success is the product of daily habits – not once-in-a-lifetime transformation.”

What determines your success is the habits you have now. Before we go further in this article, take a look at your daily habits and judge yourself if you are on the trip to being successful. Self-evaluation is key on your way to success.

Positive Habits that can change your life

Here are some positive habits you can add to your daily routine to improve your mind and body.

Meditate 10-15 minutes daily

Mediation is very powerful. Daily mediation can relax your mind and help you to be more productive at work. Mediation also lets you clear your mind and focus on the task. Meditation is a very important habit that is needed in our daily life.

Read a chapter of a book daily

There is this popular saying that I love so much “Readers are Leaders.” When you read, you sharpen your mind and broaden your knowledge. This would help you make a big change as you advance in life.

Take a walk daily

Walking is not only effective for weight loss. It is a physical activity that affects the overall health of the body. Walking for at least 30 minutes daily will improve your physical fitness and strengthen you against certain illnesses.

Start Saving

Saving a certain amount per day improves your self-discipline. It is a great habit; you can control your spending and also have extra cash at the end of your saving year. Saving money also helps you understand the importance of a budget and priority setting.

Use words of affirmation daily

Speaking positive words to yourself regular improves your belief in yourself. You can find the strength to move and take the steps you have been scared of. The power of the words of affirmation is on the belief in the word. Affirm into your life daily and see the change that would come into your mindset and action.
Now that you know and understand the habit that will change your life, it is important that you achieve it and consistently keep at it.

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of success lies in your daily routine – John C Maxwell.

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