How Being a Positive Thinker Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Let’s approach the concept of a Positive Mental Attitude with a story.

There was a time when Most houses were cold, and thus, they had to use firewood to warm them.

A certain woodcutter consistently sold wood to an elderly man. One day, he supplied wood too big for the man’s fireplace. So the elderly man requested him to split the firewood to fit in the fireplace. 

Surprisingly, the woodcutter said that was too much work, and the labor would cost much more than the wood. Thus, he refused to split the wood. After that, the elderly man said, “I will just take it upon myself and hack the wood.”

When the buyer started splitting the wood, he realized that one of the pieces was slightly bigger than the others but was lightweight. With that, he was able to split the wood apart. Then, when the wood fell apart, he noticed something in a tin foil, and when he unwrapped it, there in was 2,250 dollars!

The elderly man called the woodcutter and asked where he had gotten the wood from. He wanted to make sure he returned the money to the owner, but the woodcutter declined, saying that if he revealed the source, people would take advantage of him. 

Two major attitudes are visible here. 

The woodcutter had a negative mental attitude, and he ceased to understand that doing more work would fetch him more money. He didn’t even see that that would build a relationship that would lead to other benefits. 

The buyer had a positive mental attitude. Even though he was old and frail, he still went after splitting the wood and found 2,250 dollars, which is a lot of money.

The lesson here is that we all get breaks in life. We all come across fortunes, which is why luck is defined as ‘when opportunity meets preparedness.’ What makes positive-minded people lucky is that they are always prepared. They are always expecting some good, and for that, they are always on the lookout for opportunities. 

Even negative-minded people look out for opportunities but are so negative that they cannot actually see them. Incapable of opening up their hearts and minds.


1– Positive Thinkers Always Getting Positive Results

As a man thinketh, so is he. 

If your mind is focused on good things, you will attract good things in life. You cannot receive anything until you are vibrationally aligned to it. You cannot receive something until you believe you are worth receiving it. For that reason, positive thinkers get positive results because they are predominantly positive. Unlike ordinary thinkers, they always look at the good in life and everything.

Every positive thinker sees a solution to every problem. A negative thinker sees a problem in every solution. 

The day people realize that they are running out of opportunities is when they stop complaining because where complaints start is when people want solutions but do not like solving problems. 

If you can solve that problem, you will probably get compensation. So that’s the center of focus. You have to train your mind to always prepare for opportunities. So when you go somewhere people are complaining, don’t be a part of the chant. 

Be a good student, and ask yourself, “if I could implement changes on the cause of complaint, how would people feel? Will they appreciate it, and will they pay me for it if they appreciate it?”

2– Positive Thinkers Enjoy Peace Of Mind.

If you are a positive thinker, you can see the quiet beyond the storm. In the face of challenges, you will say, this too shall pass. You see life in terms of every single experience. Suppose you look deep enough at that experience, whether some people classified it as bad or good – in that case, you are likely to see the seed of an equivalent benefit compared to the struggle you went through or the seed of a bigger benefit. 

So if you experience struggle, it has to be seen as part of your preparation for the greater good. For that reason, positive thinkers always enjoy peace of mind because they know everything goes well.

3– Positive Thinkers Create Positive Impact In The World.

The very vibrations you send out to the universe are the vibrations that come back to you. If you are constantly bombarding your environment, your country, your continent, your village, your town with positive thoughts, the thoughts of love, hope, and positive change, those are the impact that you are creating and by that method. Those thoughts will spring back to you as an individual, as a person, because we live in a boomerang world. 

It is said, “what goes around, comes around.” So the thoughts you wish others are the things you are creating for yourself, and by that method, positive thinkers won’t send vibrations of a mishap. They wish everybody well. They hope for a better place; by that method, positive thinkers are constantly in the habit of creating a positive impact on society.

4. Positive Thinkers have an attitude of gratitude 

One of the most significant differentiators between positive thinkers, and ordinary or negative thinkers, is the attitude of gratitude. 

You will find out that negative thinkers rarely express gratitude for what they receive. A positive thinker will always thank God for everything, including what they haven’t received. 

Returning to the Bible, you will see a place that says, ‘be like children.’ To be like a child is a good place of faith. They request with expectation. Because when a child asks you for something, they do not doubt in their mind. They have no concern that you will not give them what they have asked for because of greed, dislike, or some other reason. So when a child asks for something, they have already created an expectation that “as I ask, I receive,” and every positive thinker should approach every request in their prayer with absolute belief that they have received it.

That is why positive thinkers, in every experience, are full of gratitude. 

Every positive thinker is always full of gratitude. With gratitude, more things come to them. Positive thinkers approach every undertaking with positive expectations. When there is anything they are going to do, they expect a positive outcome. They expect everything to go well, and you know the law of nature is that, as you expect, nature will not disappoint you. 

Whatever you expect, nature brings your way and delivers it to you in increasing return. Just because positive thinkers always have positive expectations, they suffer less disappointment. 

5. Positive Thinkers approach every undertaking with positive expectations.

Positive thinkers find that they get a lot of positive outcomes in every undertaking. And that is when you find out that in everything a positive thinker does, they are successful. 

Because everything goes as they desire, they always expect the best, go for the best, and get the best. 

6. Positive Thinkers joyfully express faith in action 

Now that we have established that positive thinkers have positive expectations, we would consider the top of every human desire: happiness or joyful living. 

Everything we try to do in this world, every adventure we get into, everything we buy, the shoes, the dress – they are meant to make us a little better. 

So positive thinkers have joyful living. Why? Because of the way they have conditioned their mind, and because they believe they have everything, they desire for their happiness, and even that which they do not have at the moment is right on its way coming, and they can feel the experience before it comes. 

With this method, they are always joyful. They are always happy because they have that positive expectation. They are always getting that positive result and are enjoying their peace of mind. So they have a genuine heart.

What is something positive people should not do?

The biggest thing positive people should not do is wish or cause anyone less than they are getting. 

People with positive mental attitudes always want what they have for others. They would not wish on others things they don’t want for themselves.

Thus positive thinkers should never think about shortcutting others even if they think they are projecting it outward to other people because what you project outward comes back to you. 

To get completely into that positive mental attitude, you should never think negatively about other people’s benefits because your subconscious mind doesn’t know if you are projecting it outward or inward. So if I wish you failure, I get failure. If I wish you success, I get success. It is as simple as that.

What are the benefits young adults get from practicing positive thinking?

Young adults should note that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

When people can repeatedly see that you are a positive vibe and have good intentions, they would want to be around you.

When they observe you see the good in every situation, see solutions to problems, and rarely complain about circumstances, they tend to think better of you. They tend to give more opportunities to you.

Remember, that the sky is the limit is good but that you create your own sky is great.”

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