Gratitude: The habit of highly successful people

There are a lot of notions flying around about what success is or what it means to be successful. Well, the parity lies in understanding that success goes beyond having money, political power, or social agency; success extends to your mindset and attitude towards life.

I believe true success is allowing positivity to be the trailblazer in all your doings. Success happens when you are grateful for what you have and make the most out of it. People who are thankful for what they have are the true definition of success.

Oprah Winfrey, Tim Ferriss, John Paul DeJoria, and Richard Branson are success champions who consciously practice Gratitude. I heard a story of a twenty-year-old lad celebrating his business after making a five-figure sale. He got traction on social media and became an internet sensation, leading to him being able to promote his business and increase his sales. Recently, he celebrated making six figures in the industry. Appreciate and celebrate what you have; I assure you it will increase in value.

The most significant distinction between a success story and failure is Gratitude. Instead of wallowing in the fact that you have failed, be grateful for the lessons you’ve learned on the way as you prepare yourself for the opportunity to do better. Oprah Winfrey says, “Focus on the good you have, not the lack of it because whatever gets your attention will increase the energy of gratitude. That’s how joy rises”.

Here are reasons why Gratitude is essential for a successful life by Faisal Hoque;

Gratitude helps you focus on the present.

Gratitude allows you to see beauty in your present reality. It is a great feeling when you know that at this very moment, you have a lot of reasons to be happy and grateful. Please take a moment and try it. Think of everything you have right now that makes your life worth living. Channel that feeling into the moment.

Gratitude helps you see the strength of today without worrying about past mistakes or fretting about tomorrow. With Gratitude, you can make each day count as you live it.

Gratitude makes you happy.

Gratitude is like a virus that transmits happiness and spreads joy around you. Gratitude encourages you to have a positive mindset; therefore, you believe in the good of things around you.

A quote from the book Thanks: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier by Dr. Robert Emmons; ‘Gratitude can increase happiness levels by 25 percent. Practice Gratitude today and live happily.’

Gratitude improves relationships with people:

Everyone wants to be accepted and appreciated in a relationship. Respecting others and showing appreciation for their efforts helps them feel valued.

Gratitude improves your health.

Gratitude makes you cheerful, and happiness promotes good health. When you are grateful, you tend to be enthusiastic about life; you rest well, sleep well, and eat well, thus improving your health.

Gratitude improves your brain.

In an interview conducted with medical daily, Dr. Emiliana Simon-Thomas, the science director of the Greater Good Science Center said, “In studies, after eight weeks of practice, brain scans of individuals who practice gratitude have stronger brain structure for social cognition and empathy, as well as the part of the brain that processes reward.”

When you practice Gratitude, you are not just lightening a situation. No, the absolute actuality is you are making it better. Gratitude helps you focus on your strengths, increasing your success and improving yourself.

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