Girl Child: The Societal Beautiful Pearl

Hello there…

Can I ask you a question? When you see a woman, what do you see? When you see a girl child, what do you think?

Different people answer these questions differently. Some people see a means to acquiring wealth when they see the girl child. They see a child who can be trained in the art of cooking and household chores so that she can be made a good wife. They see a child whose main function is to end up in the kitchen serving her husband for the rest of her life.

We are here to change this narrative. You need to start seeing the girl child as the strong and smart woman she is. And there is no better way than to help rise to her fullest potential.

The girl child is a bundle of power and strength. The girl child is smart and gets what she wants. She chooses her path and is not held back by predetermined limitations. She is not pulled back by uneducated gender biases.

The girl child does not falter in the face of challenges. She is strong and rises to the occasion, as needs be. She finds her strength in herself always.

The girl child doesn’t give up. The girl child makes her way and chooses her path.

She is not afraid to take risks and is always ready to pay the price.

The girl child is strong. She’s fierce and compassionate. She has what it takes to complete the job.

The girl child is not scared to change the narrative and she is not lazy. She is ready to work and stand tall in the face of her challenges.

The girl child is disciplined, strong, beautiful, kind, and hardworking. She is a valuable pearl that must not be cast away, too precious to be lost.

Look at this list of many a lustrous African “girl child” who continue to show as what pearls we are: Ngozi Iweala, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Bonang Matheba, Lupita Nyong’o, and their peers who are changing the narrative for the girl child. We celebrate you, just as we celebrate them.

We celebrate all women and girls. You are the girl child

I am proud to be a girl child.

Happy Belated International Day of the Girl Child to every Girl Child

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