Five Ways to Make Your Father happy on Father’s Day

One of my earliest memories is of my dad carrying me on his shoulders and running fast while I laughed wildly because I was having so much fun. I remember any time I had a confrontation with anybody then, the first thing that came to my mind was to report the person to my dad. This was because I was so sure that my dad would always be able to correct the person, and he would not tolerate any injustice towards me.

I also remember how as I grow older, my father has ensured the maintenance of discipline and order, set boundaries to ensure I know right from wrong and gently corrects me whenever I err. Fathers are a great blessing to the family. The African culture sees the father as the protector and shield of the family.
Fathers genuinely deserve to be celebrated.

Today is father’s day, and all I can think of is the joy of having a father. A father is one who looks after the child and ensures he/she doesn’t scrape his leg against a rock—the one who is present in their children’s lives every step of the way. Celebrate your father today.

5 Ways to Celebrate Father’s Day

Tell him how much you value him.

Father’s day is all about telling and showing your father how much you love and appreciate him. Your father may not be very vocal about his concerns and feelings for you. Fathers day is an excellent opportunity for you to remind him how much you love him. It would make his day so special, and it would be a great pleasure for him to hear it.

Get him a gift

Buy or make a gift for your dad. Make sure you put a lot of thought into the present. It could be a unique handmade gift. You could gift him a particular playlist or a portrait of himself. You can also go to the store and get him a cake or treat you know he will enjoy.

Take him out

When was the last time you had quality time with your father? Go away from all the noise and enjoy time with your father. You can take your father on a picnic today or take him out to enjoy the store food.

Buy him a pair of shoes.

Pick out some great shoes for your father and deliver them to him with some handwritten note that speaks about how much he means to you. You could also inscribe words that affirm how much you love him on it.

Father’s day is a day mainly to celebrate your father. The most important thing today is not how expensive the gifts you give him are – instead, it’s to remind him of how much you love and value him. The greatest gift is love. Shower your father with love today.

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