Five Steps to Becoming a Great Team Lead Who Supports Growth

Have you ever been made a team leader of people older than you at work? Or have you been in a position where you have to lead people, but they are proving difficult to lead? If you have had these feelings, then you are not alone.  

It is a proven fact that humans are the most complex species to manage. The fact that man has a will to refuse or reject your instructions makes it hard to control them or teach them. This is why, when managing people, the following steps are most important.

Steps to follow when you are in a team lead role

1. Have a definite purpose

When you lead people, ensure they know your purpose. Let them know WHY you are in charge and WHY they are there. There is this saying, “If you do not know the why of a thing, you will go wrong with the how, when, and who the thing is targeting.” Teach them the purpose and constantly remind them; when everyone is clear on the why it is easier to guide them.

2. Provide Directions

You need to provide directions always. As the head of the team, you understand the why more than anyone else. Send a mass agenda and provide directions. You can put it in bullet points too.

• What are we discussing?

• Can you relate it to our why?

This is important because you crystalize the thinking of the people under you and limit wandering thoughts. This will help people stay focused on the goal. It also enables you to stay ahead of everyone.

3. Let them see how much truth they know

When dealing with older people, always remember it has taken a lot of time to focus on their thinking. It is important to let them see how they can get better and how much they can learn. Teamwork is a learning process. It is not based on age. To be in a team, you must be teachable. When you allow people to see how much they can learn and benefit from being a part of the team, they will do better.

4. Set clear rules

Every team must have rules and regulations guiding the teammates’ actions. Setting rules is a great way of establishing order and harmony among group members.

5. Create groups

Divide teams into groups. These groups can be sorted based on ability and strength. This would help team members build team spirit. You can also teach and Inject correction by asking them questions. This would help them see you as an authority in your field.

6. Tell them about personal development and growth

To effectively lead people, you have to show them the importance of personal development and growth as individuals. Try to point out how their personal experiences have led to the point that they are. Help your team members set their goals and challenge them. This will help them listen and become less antagonistic.

Leading people is not an easy job, so it isn’t for the faint-hearted. As a leader, you should always think positively and offer value to those you lead. Humans gravitate and submit to value. Offer values to people and respect will come naturally

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