Five Must Do To Fulfill Purpose

Now that I have discovered my purpose, what next? What am I supposed to do next? How will I fulfill the purpose? Can I fulfill it?

These are the questions that run through your mind if you are a person who has identified personal life’s purpose. You want to fulfill it fast and make a difference in your world. You want to change your narrative by doing something different.

Stop!!! Take a calm breath. The journey of fulfilling purpose is a journey of deliberate planning and goal setting. And you need to be tale time to plan, calmly, and set these goals because these goals will determine whether you become a hit or a flop.

Arguably, these are the five must do to fulfill your commitment.

Accept that you are going to learn

Once you discover your purpose, you must be ready to learn all it is going to take to fulfill it. Get ready, get guidance and direction from the right sources. Finding Purpose will guide you to the right books and sources to learn from.

Define the Objectives and Goals

Now that you know what you are meant to be and do in this world. It is time to define how far you want to go and how much influence you want to have. Where you want to start from and where you are focusing on. Defining your goals and choosing a niche helps you become an authority in your chosen role.

Have a vision and follow your execution plan

After you have defined your niche and your sphere of influence, make a great plan, and make sure you follow the plans, not necessarily to the letter, but at least in principle. Following the plan is as important as making the plan. A plan is only as useful as it is executed and fulfilled.

Be ready to sacrifice

Fulfilling purpose comes with a lot of sacrifices. You will need to give up on a lot to focus and concentrate more on your purpose. Your circle of friends and acquaintances may need to change after you start fulfilling your dream. Sacrifice is the price for fulfilling you desire.

Believe in yourself

Following all these steps is great but without believing in yourself, you cannot move a long way. Believing in yourself is the fuel needed to propel you further. It is the inner drive to do more and be more.

Fulfilling a clear purpose does not come with a handbook or a guide. It is okay to be afraid while pursuing your vision, but the most important thing is to never relent. Focus and give it your all. You will, as sure as egg is egg, see your triumphant arrival at your destiny.

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